9 - The One Left at Hospital, Ruiko Saten

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"I'll be putting these away," a nurse said.

"Ok then. Thank you." Ruiko smiled. Hospitality is important in the hospital or else the name would mean nothing, right?

"If you have anything to worry about, you can always press the call button." Though it seems unnecessary, the nurse said that before leaving with the tray of leftovers.

"Yes, I knew that." It's unnecessary because it's common knowledge if you have been to the hospital. I mean, you must have been to at least one hospital to visit someone, right?

"Then, I'll be taking my leave."

With that, it leaves only Ruiko alone in the ward with an empty bed beside her. It wasn't long after Uiharu left though.

Boredom took over her as she reached for the remote to turn on the television. It wasn't that big and it wasn't that small, either. Just enough for a medium range of sight.

There wasn't anything of her interest; News, sports, cartoons, and such. At least there are movies. Have you ever have the feeling of every time when you watch a movie that you think it wasn't that good but then you got hooked up on it a couple of minutes later? Yeah, that's what she's hoping for.

Lucky for her, she's hooked.


"Touma! Touma! I'm hungry!" There's nobody as hungry as this little nun called Index.

"I know! I know! I'm cooking!"

"Hurry up or I'll eat my way through your furniture." The always impatient Index keeps on pushing Touma to hurry. It's not like there's anything to do.

"Why not try and help yourself and watch TV?"

Just as he said that, his telephone rang. Index pouted and muttered some sort of complaint before turning the TV on.

"Helo?" He answered the phone.

"Yo, Kami-yan! Have you heard?" It's none other than his blonde friend, Motoharu Tsuchimikado.


"../~\~/~\.." It's static. Maybe there's a signal interference.

"What? I can't hear you?"

"Kay, then. Bye!" Then, he hung up.

Hah?! Well, I don't think it's nowhere near important. It must be some sort of girls hanging out at the beach or something, judging by how happy he is. If it's important, his voice would be more serious. Those are Touma's thoughts.




"Huh!" Now he is back from his thoughts as Index calls out his name.

"The food. It's burning."

"Argh!" The brightness of the fire is vivid. The blackness of the smoke is undeniable. Frantically, he tried to turn the fire off. It worked. The food, though, cannot be saved.

"Seriously, are you trying to starve me to death?"

"I guess we'll have to go out then."


He has some undeniable acrobatic skills. Though, he is now cornered unable to escape. One, two, three, four, five; he counted the enemies.

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