5 - A Clash of Inter-dimensional Vectors, Kuroko vs Accelerator

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Kuroko teleported in front of Accelerator. A look of worry and surprise can be seen on Mikoto's face. Touma, on the other hand, holds no expression whatsoever. Maybe it's because he was so beat up he couldn't show any. Accelerator wasn't threatened. He was just annoyed that another brat showed up.

"So, another brat showed up, huh. I've been so tired of these things keep coming up, I won't go easy on you."

"That makes us even; I, too, have been dealing with brats lurking around Academy City. In fact, it's my breakfast and lunch. It's such a perfect timing. Since it's night time, I'll make you my dinner," she said, keeping her pigtail away from her field of vision due to the remaining wind.

"Even? Don't fuck with me! I'm the strongest esper on earth! Nothing can stop my way. Not even your friend Railgun here can touch me. What are you going to do, brat?"

Kuroko sighed for a moment upon hearing his words.

"Perhaps you forgot my gift." She swiped her hand through under her skirt and a piece of white dart appears in front of her before she grabs hold of it. You can see the looks on Accelerator's face.

"It may be true that your calculations reflect all vectors. But I have something that none of you comprehend - the 11th Dimension. It requires variables you've never heard of and mechanics you don't understand. It is one of the fundamentals in quantum physics other than particle superposition."

Accelerator clicked his tongue. He detested her. No one on earth can touch him, yet, this pigtailed Ojou-sama penetrated right through his leg.

"I advise you to stay put young man. You did enough to injure yourself." Kuroko, having her eyes still locked on to Accelerator, spoke to Touma who was still staggering forward. The moment these words came to his ears, he stumbled down showing no energy whatsoever.

"So, can your 3 dimensional vectors take the chance to beat my 11 dimensional vectors?"

"Enough talking! I'm too tired I don't want to hear you spouting nonsense. All I have to do is defeat you!" He stomped his foot downwards creating a force forward and amplifying it with his calculations. He spanned his arms wide to grab hold of Kuroko to end this thing.

However, Kuroko teleported towards the container beside her, kicking it to flip over like it was a parkour. The white dart that she previously hold was now out of sight; teleported away.

Accelerator noticed that move. So he stopped and forced his body to go backwards by his vector to avoid being hit by that thing again.

As expected, it appeared in front of him, hitting nothing but air.

"Hah! Even if you can teleport, you still can't overcome time delay in your calculation even by a mere millisecond."

"I see that your head is better than those brats I faced regularly." Kuroko responded.

"Don't look down on me, missy. I've seen many more things you don't wish to see."

"Then, tell me something: Is the cat alive....or dead?" She somersaulted and within a flash, the container below her foot disappeared.

"You think I can't escape--" The container reappeared, containing Accelerator inside it.

"Onee-sama, you must escape." Kuroko appeared behind Mikoto and her clone. "And you..."

"'Misaka 10032,' as Misaka declares her name to the pigtailed middle-schooler who appeared out of nowhere to save us."

"I'll explain later." Mikoto interfered.

"'You must first save that boy over there,' as Misaka pointed to the helpless young boy."

"You think you can trap ME!" The container shrieks as its body was forced open. Kuroko didn't take her time to send both Misakas away from the scene. "Hah! You really are a missy with grains instead of brains."

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