1. Berk

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I was nervous.

Very nervous.

Mum never sent me out by myself, I was always, always accompanied by another dragon. But this time she had sent me out in a boat and said to stay out as long as I needed and that she had some things to do. So I went. I said goodbye to Cloudjumper and hopped in the boat. 

The bewilder beast Haven had been my home for as long as I could remember, anything before that was forbidden subject between my mother and I. I couldn't help being curious though. I wanted to see the world, to discover things, to build things. All this was quite hard when you are watched by dragons 24/7 unable to get away at all. 

Now that I could get away it wasn't really as nice as I had imagined it was. I was alone, all by myself with two weeks food and a tent. In a small boat that hadn't been used in years, with the whole Archipelago to search. I didn't know where to start. 

My sense of direction had always been a bit off but at sunrise on the morning of my departure I decided to head north. I began to understand the stories that Mum had told me about sailors that had lost their minds out at sea, with no one to talk to but Terrible Terrors that passed by I was pretty alone with my thoughts. There was a nagging thought at the back of my mind. What if I met someone? Obviously I could speak native tongue, but when I got nervous I tended to slip into growls and warbles that I sometimes used to communicate to dragons. I had only ever seen the outside world on fishing trips with mum and cloud jumper so I really didn't know what to expect. Even then I was never aloud to get too close, it was always stay away from them Hiccup, they don't like dragons, they kill dragons. Knowing this almost made turn back around and head back to the Haven.

'No Hiccup. Be strong.' I said and forged ahead. At mid afternoon I lowered the sail and had to quickly grasp the ship's railing as it jumped forward and wind filled the sail. 

By nightfall a land form could be seen up ahead. After a lot of self debate I decided to stop for the night and prayed to the gods that it would hold friendly faces. But I was out of luck. 

I docked my ship near the outer edge of the port so I could leave quickly if I had to. I walked over the wooden planking and froze when I heard a scream from further up the island. A Deadly Nadder roar could be heard and I saw a burst of flame. I walked quietly from then on, wincing every time the boards creaked under my feet. 

I made my way up to the main part of the island unnoticed. It was quite easy really, all I had to do was dart in between shadows. Everyone was too distracted collecting weapons and hiding sheep to notice me. 

I happened upon a Deadly Nadder at one point, she looked at me, her pupils dilated into slits. I barely missed a ball of fire directed at me. These weren't the dragons I was familiar with, these were dragons that were ferocious and blood thirsty. 

I saw a group of teens out of the corner of my eye, I decided to head over to them, they seemed to be friendly enough. They were refilling water buckets from the water troughs that appeared to be used for sheep and then running to houses to put the many fires out. A stout boy with greasy black hair barely glanced at me before shoving a bucket of water into my arms, he didn't question who I was or where I was from just told me to go and help. 

The other 3 teens barely acknowledged me either as I ran forward and feebly hurled my bucked at a burning thatch roof. A boy and a girl who looked like twins sniggered at me and I sullenly went back to refill my bucket. I should have just passed this island and headed to the next one. 

As I went to refill my water bucket I heard the greasy haired kid shout something. 

'Astrid!' He called hands clapped over his mouth to make the sound louder. 'Watch out, dragon incoming.' 

The same Deadly Nadder that had tried to attack me earlier had lost control and was pelting towards the ground, it appeared as though its legs had gotten tangled in a grappling net. She landed with a thud and rolled over once in front of a girl with blond hair. She stood awestruck and was only just reaching for her ax, which was strapped to her back, when the dragon leapt to its feet and peered at the girl sideways. 

A ball of fire was steadily building in the dragons mouth. I dropped my bucket and as though the world was moving in slow motion I ran. I leapt in front of the girl and yanked a piece of leather from around my neck. The cord snapped. 

Surprised the dragon paused smoke flowing from her nostrils. I held up the pendant on the end of the cord and slapped it on my hand sending the beads in the centre of the piece of driftwood spinning. It was the same mechanism that was on the end of my mum's staff. She had made me one for emergencies. 

I swiped it three times across my palm and waved it hypnotically in front of the dragons face. Head still turned sideways she followed it with her eyes as I lowered it to the ground. 

She grunted and lay there. No sooner had she collapsed a net was thrown over her and they carted her off away. To where I did not know. 

I turned around expecting thanks from the girl I had saved, but instead I found her looking distrustfully at me and the pendant in my hand. I quickly stuffed it into my pocket not wanting anyone too see it. Even with a full fledged glare on her face she still managed to look stunning and for awhile all I could do was stare. Flames were reflected in her bright blues eyes and the light bounced off her glossy hair. The boy who handed me the bucket in the first place came and clapped me on shoulder. 

'That was amazing.' He said drawing out the 'amazing'. 'What's your name?' 

'Uh, Hiccup.' I said. 

An older blond haired Viking put a hand on my shoulder which jarred my right down to my toes, I was glad it wasn't his other hand, which ended in a hook. 'We could use talent like yours on Berk.' 

I stumbled over my words as I tried to explain that I was only staying for the night. But neither of them would have it. They didn't care where I came from, but the fact that I could fight dragons like that, they wanted me on their team. 

Eventually I just said yes to shut them up. They showed me to a smaller hut and told me I could spend the night there but that I was expected at the 'dragon fighting' arena early the next morning. As I followed the old Viking, Gobber, to the hut I would be staying in I received a hardy round of applause from the citizens. 

Which confused me, how had I helped them, all I had done was something so simple. A beginners trick of hypnosis that could be easily mastered by any Viking with half a brain. And hadn't they been fighting these dragons? I hadn't killed it, and hadn't they just released the dragon off the island?

I couldn't make sense of any of it but I made a promise to myself to ask the black haired boy, Snotlout I think, about all of this tomorrow. 


Hiccup's in for a surprise. 

So this is my new AU Hiccstrid story:)

enjoy :P



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