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Inside a house, late at night, a baby rocked fast asleep. Outside war raged, Viking against Dragon, weapons glinted in the night and cries of agony from both sides were heard. Something crept about in the corner of the house. A puff of warm air woke the baby and he began to wail and shake his tiny fists. A wing tips emerged from the darkness and began to slowly rock the cradle, the baby began to laugh and gurgle happily. He reached out a chubby hand to touch the beast before him but at that moment the dragons wing slipped. Blood blossomed from a small cut on the baby's chin and he began to cry once more. 

The sound of a sword being unsheathed turned the dragons attention to the front of the house where a woman emerged from the shadows. She was shaking with fright as she raised the sword. But she paused and looked deeply into the dragons eyes. She lowered the sword, and as though she were in a trance she stretched a hand out just like the child had. The front door burst open and a looming man stood in the doorway. 

'Valka?' The man asked past a red, bushy beard. 

Slowly, keeping eye contact with the dragon, she reached past him and picked up the baby wrapping him in blankets again. She turned to run but no sooner had she taken a step did the dragon grasp its claws around her and the baby and whisked them away. He shielded them with his wings as he crashed through the roof. The night air was cold as the woman cried for her husband. She watched as her home got smaller and smaller. 

A baby girl hidden away in her house watched out the window as her people were torn to shreds by monsters. Over it all she heard the cry of pain from their chief as his wife was taken away. She watched as the double winged dragon rose from the house and flew away. She watched and waited in her bed for her mother and father to return. That never happened. And in the morning they still hadn't returned. Her aunt came by the house and picked up the baby. Her face was tear ridden as she rocked the girl back and forth. 

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