4. The Deadly Nadder

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I was right about not catching the Night Fury that first night. Nor did we catch it the second night, or the third. In the mornings I had fighting with the other teens, I was quickly becoming the least popular Viking on Berk. Which was working well to my advantage, in the afternoons i was never bothered by anyone as I worked in the forge. 

In training I was careful to do my utter worst, while I managed to convince most of the dragons that I didn't mean them any harm they still had fun chasing me around the arena. I didn't use any of my tricks for fear of getting caught. I was quite sure that Astrid had seen me use the pendant the first night I arrived on Berk, but she hadn't mentioned anything about it to me. In fact she hadn't said a word to me at all. That didn't stop my dreams featuring a beautiful blond maiden each night. 

I was always very careful with the dragons, making sure to not injure them in any way. I had grown up among these majestic beasts, and while it was interesting seeing other peoples perspectives on them, it certainly wasn't how I saw them.

In fact it was Astrid who interested me the most. She payed abnormal attention to everything, every detail. Which worked in making me nervous whenever I was around her, and that was on top of her beauty.

It was one morning in the arena that I got the opportunity to talk to her. She had gestured me over to hide behind one of the great wooden planks that had been set up in a maze formation when we had arrived in the morning. My suspicions about what they would be used for was right.

"So..." I whispered, pressing my back against the wood.

"Stop talking." She hissed and peeked her head around the corner before pulling back sharply. I rolled my eyes and looked away. I wanted to tell her that hiding behind this wall was no good, the Nadder had probably already smelt us out. 

After checking the coast was clear Astrid used her shield to role to the next bend in the maze, where Snotlout joined us. I tried my best to role towards them but my upper strength failed me as I tried to bring the shield over me. I rocked back onto it still holding on and cringed under the fierce gaze of Astrid as she glared. 

I heard a squawk as the Deadly Nadder turned a corner and its beady eyes landed on me. I tilted my head in contemplation and she turned her head looking at me. 

"Hiccup!" Hearing Gobber shout my name snapped me out of it and I quickly jumped to my feet and ran. I zigzagged down the passage opposite where Astrid and Snotlout had been only moments before. I could hear the Nadder crashing around, knocking down the maze walls. I angrily told myself that I had to be more careful, if anyone here figured out how I saw dragons and the communication I could use. Well, it wouldn't be good. I wasn't going to risk an entire species just because of my stupid fantasies of taming a dragon in front of the other Vikings and getting respect, getting friends. 

As I was thinking this I was darting speedily around collapsing wood when suddenly I was thrown to the ground as someone landed on top of me. To my utter mortification it was Astrid. Her legs tangled in mine and her ax had narrowly missed my head and was now stuck into the shield on my arm. I heard crashing behind her and realised how close the dragon was getting. 

"Ooh," I heard Tuffnut taunt, "love on the battle field."

I shrunk down a bit more as Astrid tried, in vain, to remove her ax from my shield. 

"Na, she could do better." I heard Ruffnut reply to her twin. Heat laced my cheeks. 

"Let me... why don't you-" I gasped as with a yank Astrid pulled the shield from my arm. My shoulder strained and sparked with pain but I ignored it as I lifted my head to watch Astrid. The Deadly Nadder was now running at us, its eyes wild and animalistic. I realised with a shock that if it got any closer it would kill us. I pushed myself to my feet and let my pendant slide down into my palm from where the cord had been wrapped around my wrist for easy access. But before I could so much as take another step Astrid swung her shield at the dragons face. The shield shattered on impact and I winced as the Nadder limped off. 

I breathed a sigh of relief, which was quickly cut off as Astrid spun on me. 

"What is wrong with you?" She shouted accusingly pointing her ax haphazardly at me. I shied away from the weapon and wouldn't meet her eyes. "Our parents war is about to become ours, figure out which side you on." The last part was whispered for only our ears and I knew she was still suspicious of me. Still suspicious of what she had seen that first night. 

She stalked out of the arena and I didn't bother trying to stop her. She would never listen, not that I knew what I would tell her. I helped the other riders stack the wooden maze up agains the arena walls. As I completed the mind numbing task I ignored the jabs and insults coming from the rest of the group. Instead I thought about the Night Fury. I created the mental image of my invention in my head. It was supposed to capture the Night Fury and not injure it. I had kept the trap secret from Gobber and hadn't let him see it. His practiced eye would probably notice that the grabbling chains didn't have spikes or hooks. But instead had light weight metal balls that wouldn't cut into him. That the mile calibration was set so it would not take the Night Fury down too hard. 

There was no way I was going to let these... barbarians get ahold of one of the most powerful species in the Archipelago. 


Sorry for not updating in a while

I am so happy with how this has been received! 150 reads already?! I hope you all continue to like the story, I have spent the last few days  developing the plot line so I can write easily. 

Also if you have a moment to spare head over to tyrocks31's page, its her birthday and I'm sure she'd love some birthday wishes!

So this chapter is dedicated to tyrocks31 who is always there if I need to have a chat, though a lot of the time I take a while to reply (sorry about that :D). I hope you have a super amazing birthday!



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