The New Beginning

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3 Years Ago...

"It is now my time to go back with my brother." Zadavia said to the beaten, armored team known, as The Loonatics. "Will you ever return back to Earth?" Tech E. Coyote asked the super powered being. "In time I shall return. But for now, Optimatus and I must go." She said, as she and her sibling lifted off one of the rings of the wormhole.

"Goodbye, Loonatics." She waved happily as she flew higher into space. "Zadavia... Thank you. For everything you've done." Ace the Rabbit said happily. Zadavia nodded, as she finally flew off with her older brother. Every member of the team, just looked around at each other.

"Now, about your HQ idea..." Tech said to Ace, the leader of the Loonatics. "I'm only kidding Tech. Besides, I love being home. I miss it." Ace told the smart coyote. "Good. We could all use a little home." Lexi Bunny said, with great tidings.

Slam, the giant Tasmanian devil shook his oversized head in joy. "Well, now that the universe is finally saved... How about we head home." Danger Duck, the cocky bird said. "Sounds good.. I need a break." Ace chuckled with slight pain. He then looked at his destroyed armor, and scratched up body.

"In-that-case-let's-jet!-sorry-Ace-I-know-that's-your-line-but-I've-always-wanted-to-say-it-and-I-felt-so-cool-saying-it-it's-so-awesome!" Rev, the fast mouthed roadrunner said happily.

As the team entered Earth's atmosphere in Optimatus' giant red ship, they all sighed in relief at the sight of their home once again. "Finally... We're home!" Duck complained. "I know what I'm doing when we get back to HQ. Take. A. Nap." Ace said in relief.

"Oh no you're not. You're going straight to the medical bay." Lexi complained. "All I did was get fried by the laser! I'm fine!" Ace protested. "I wouldn't argue with her." Danger counters back at Ace.
"Seriously, Ace. Who knows what that did to you. It's cosmic energy. Let Rev and I check you out."

"Fine! Whatever!" Ace pouted. "Mebleh!" Slam made a weird noise, suggesting he's trying to say something. "I'm just gonna pretend we know what you said." Duck said with a smartass tone. "Now entering docking bay. Sit tight." Tech said as he landed the massive ship in its docking bay.

It landed with a steadily hard thud. The team poured out of the cruiser like a stream. They were all anxious to finally be back home. "Tech, where does all this trashed armor go?" Danger asked. "After you get it off, just toss it on my equipment table. I'll upgrade them later." Tech said, as he scanned his card to open the main door.

In the lab, the machines quickly unscrewed, pulled and twisted all tattered armor off the Loonatics. Once it was all off, Lexi walked straight to her room. Getting her clothes then shower. Duck went with Slam into the kitchen, to get food as usual.

And Ace, went to the medical bay as promised. He sat and waited for Rev and Tech to make their way into the giant room. Once they did, Ace was shocked at what came through the door. Tech was wearing a lab coat and glasses. As was Rev.

"...seriously..." Ace said with an unamused face. "What? It makes me look official!" Tech said. Ace just facepalmed himself. "Oh fine. You ruined the fun.." Tech said sadly. He threw it all off, then walked over to the table Ace sat on.

"Alright, take off your uniform." Tech then said. Ace's eyes doubled in size. "Just down to your waist! I don't want to see what's down there!" Tech said loudly. Ace rolled his eyes, and unzipped his hero suit from the back. He held it at the waist so it wouldn't fall any lower.

"Damn Ace... You got cooked!" Tech said in shock. Ace was burnt terribly from the blast that sent Deuce off into another realm. "It's not that bad." Ace argued. Rev gave him a reassuring look, then smacked him hard on the chest. "AHHHH!!" He yelped in pain.

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