Reoccurring Nightmare

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As Lexi walked into the morning kitchen, she heard clanking noises coming from it. She also smelt something cooked, so she walked in, hungry. She was usually hungry right after waking up. It's just how she always was.

As soon as she walked in, she stopped, with big eyes. Ace was standing at the counter making something, shirtless. He heard he walk in, then turned around to greet her. "Bout time you got up." He grinned. She was speechless. She hadn't seen an attractive man shirtless since the Fall of Acmetropolis.

"Y-yeah. How long have you been up?" She said, looking away with a blush. "Umm..." He didn't want to answer, knowing she'd be mad. "About... Right after you left.." He said quietly, waiting to be yelled at. "You didn't go back to sleep?!" She said, sternly.

"Nope.." He nervously laughed. She just glared at him. "You don't understand, 5 hours a night is usually what I get. Last night I slept about 6, so I feel more than better." He tries to convince her. "God what's with you and not sleeping! Can't you tell how different you act and sound without it?!" She yelled.

"Lexi! You don't get it! I've been through a lot of crap!! Yes, all of The Loonatics fell. But I... I KILLED A MAN TO SURVIVE!! I DIED AND CAME BACK TO LIFE!! I LOST EVERYONE I CARED ABOUT, AND LOVED!!" He blew up. Silence filled the now awkward kitchen.

She didn't say a word, in shame. Ace felt too horrible, to speak also. He didn't mean to light up like that. He just wanted her to understand. He just stared at her painfully, as she had a sad expression, like a child who got scolded for the first time.

"Lex.. I didn't mean to- "No... You're right. I don't understand. I never killed anyone. I've never be resurrected. But, I did feel pain. Not only did I lose the team... I lost you. That's one thing I do understand. Losing someone close." She said quietly.

Ace continued to stare at her with the pained look. "This isn't you Ace. You were the one member of the team who kept a cool head. Our leader! You knew how to stay calm in a situation, and be happy and cheerful when we were just at HQ!" She preached. Ace then had s deep sigh, before speaking.

"Look around us Lex... Nothing is the same. I'm not me. Nearly dying changed me... I-I have nightmares, everyday of my life. And m-most of them, include you. The team. I can't get the image, of seeing you nearly dying before my very eyes.. Out of my head. Let's be honest Lex... Nobody is who they were." He said as he shook his head with a pained expression.

She stared back at him, with a look that basically said, "life is over". "So far in this new life, my only blessing is finding you. And I think it killed me most of all, not being around you all those years." He finally finished. Aw he finished, he watched Lexi walk away.

"No, Lexi. I'm sorry!" He said as he plopped his hands against his waist. Knowing he screwed up, his places his head on the counter, as he easily slammed his fists against it.
He heard her unzipped her bag, thinking she was packing. "Please don't let her leave me again.." He quietly gold himself.

But as he looked back towards the room she stayed in, he saw her walking toward him, all dressed. And, she had his clothes in her hand, including his armored suit. "Cmon. We'll eat. Then...
We're finding out team. Then saving your life." She smiled.

He softly smiled, knowing she understands.

"Professor, are you in here?" A teenager asked, as she walked into his massive shop. "Yes, cmon in." He said friendly. The girl walked in, then heard the sliding door shut itself. "Is there something you need?" He said, while she stared at the back of his lab coat as he worked on something on his table.

"Actually.. I just think, maybe.." She stopped. "Kathryn, we've been over this. I don't think you're quite old enough to hear the story yet." He sighed easily, as she saw lights flash in front of him, sparking by the table.
"Oh cmon! I'm 15! You don't think I can't handle it?!" She sighed.

"Honestly... No. I don't think anyone is. Not for this tale." He said wisely. "What's so wrong with it?? It can't be that bad!" She said desperately. "Because... What I went through could nearly drive a man insane. It would destroy their mind. From the inside, out." He said.

She pouted, as she began walking around the lab. There were more things than imaginable in there. The size of it could hold a space shuttle, or possibly a rocket, it was so large. Every time she walked in his lab, she would look at all the same stuff. Just the "cool" stuff.

"Don't touch that." He said, without even looking. She glared at him, as she walked over to his table. "Whatcha making?" She asked, as she leaned over his shoulder. "Kathryn... Please go find something to do. I'm really busy." He sighed desperately.

"Then tell me the story! Please!! I wot tell anyone!!" She begged, as she jerked on the back of his jacket. He got quiet, she thought she actually pissed him off. "Come with me..." He quietly sighed. "YES!" She loudly whispered to herself. He led her to a long tube-like cylinder sticking out of the wall.

He pressed a button, and watched the front half of the cylinder, slide up. Revealing, a glass with a suit in it. The suit, was black with a green triangle on the front. But it was also torn almost beyond repair. He then turned to her, and took his goggles off his eyes.

She looked into the Coyote's eyes, with confusion. Then, it clicked in her head. "Oh my god.... You were- "Yes.. I was a Loonatic." He sighed. She was just dumbfounded. A total loss for words. "So that's why... You never wanted to tell me. You're supposed to be dead.." She covered her mouth with her hands.

He silently sighed in grief. "That was the day, the world ended. Everything we knew... Was over. My life... Was over. Has any of your best friends died..? And all you could do, was sit there and watch the whole damn thing?" He said, with pained eyes.

She knew what he was getting at, and didn't know how to respond. " I lost... Everything I loved. Every one I loved. And I saw them all die with my own eyes." He said, trying not to break down. She's seen him break down in this corner before, but now she knows why.

"There... So now you know. No one, but us know. You can't tell another soul. Understand?" He said, slightly stern. Then out of nowhere, he felt her hug his waist. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have asked." She said sadly. "Don't worry about it Kathryn... Now, would you like some coffee..? I wouldn't mind having a buddy to keep my company all night." He smiled at the little girl.

"Oh yeah! I'd love to stay up all night!" She said happily. He smiled, then walked her out of the lab, to the ravagers partially destroyed kitchen.

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