Suprise Attack

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The sun shinned through my thin, white curtains, waking me up with ease! When I looked around reality really did put a number on me, I realized Logan was really gone amd a sudden feel of depression shined over me. I didn't wanna do anything, I felt like nothing, I was useless and powerless without him.

I laid there all morning, just sobbing and thinking about the event that was placed downstairs just last night! I got myself so worked up, I began puking in the trash can next to the bed. I seriously felt like I was dying, why couldn't Logan see what distance apart from each other does to me?

After a few minutes Liam decided to kick A LOT, and turn non-stop! I can't even explain how I felt, it was horrible! He would stop for a minute or two before he would start up again, with a vengeance. Just as he stopped for a break the phone began to Ring, I was honestly feeling so depressed, and hurt from Liam I thought about ignoring it. But I worked myself over to the phone, just as Liam began kicking and turning again! I couldn't help but let out a scream this time! It really fucking hurt, its as if he is doing back flips, or shifting in my damn stomach! I could feel the heat and steam from my body, exit out of my face! Then more pain overcame me, I wanted Liam out, and NOW!

As soon as I attempted to walk over to the bed to lye down, my water broke! Then the phone began to ring again, so I answered! "Nevaeh Speaking " I said into the phone, leaving me almost breathless. "Nevaeh?" it was Logan, my heartbeat increased causing the pain to be a little more tolerable. But I still felt as if my insides were about to pour out of me.

* Logan's P.O.V *

She finally answered the phone, allowing me to calm down just a tad before I heard her heavy breathing! The sudden erg of possessing overcame me, was she sleeping with that dumb mutt again!?!?! I clenched my fist, trying to hold back the fact that I was pissed. " Logan...." her soft voice whimpered out. That's when I new she wasnt with Jake, but she Needed my help! " Nevaeh, baby what's wrong?" I asked her, my voice full of concern. " Kid. Out. Now! " She slowly breathed out, taking breaths in - between each word, slowly. I didn't understand, but as soon as I was about to say something the line went dead, she hung up on me!

All I new then was Nevaeh needed my help, and something was wrong with Liam.

* Nevaeh's P.O.V *

As soon as Logan hung up, my legs could no longer support my own body weight. I slid down the closest dresser. An tried taking in deep breaths, but nothing was working and I was getting terrified. I picked up the phone to call the pack doctor, when I was disappointed greatly! The phone line was dead, I couldn't call anyone, Not even my parents!

I was officially alone, and new it! My heart Beat increased, I felt abandoned, why did Logan to go last night? Right before Liam was gonna be born Logan had to go on a leave me alone! Why, was all I could think!

* Logan's P.O.V*

I tried calling her back but the call went straight to voice mail, what the hell was going on over there? I began to get worried as my heart began to race, and my wolf was now aware of what was going on, and soon I wont be able to take control!

My mated instinct went into lock down. I felt the need to protect Nevaeh and Liam, without ever rethinking it. I couldn't hold back the power of shifting, my wolf took total control. I shifted right in the very spot I stood in the pack house. Which was in the living room, next to the phone stand. My paws carried me two seconds to the front door before they slid to an immediate stop. My wolf then shamefully realized, he couldn't open the door being in wolf form. I then took a few inpatient minutes to shift back, being completely nude when opening the door. That's when I no longer wanted to hold back my wolf, I proudly unleashed him to go help his pure beautiful innocent family.

I ran through the town, not caring what mortal saw my huge dog like form. I didn't even care if they had any questions, or what the outcome may be. All I new was my mate a pup needed my help, and that's all I cared about, all I thought about. It felt like it took forever to approach the neighborhood before our land. Which by the way rinked of hormonal feminine wolves. But that thought was pushed far in the back of my head when I heard Nevaehs piercing scream! I then noticed I was at the end of our now, everlasting driveway.

*Nevaeh's P.O.V *

I couldn't hold in any longer, I new I was about to give birth any moment, but something wasn't right, and no one was there to help me. My motherly instincts kicked in and I no longer thought of myself only Liam. I leaned against the dresser more securely, and opened my legs as wide as I could, I was gonna have this baby, Liam will live. I began to push, even though it hurt so bad, blood gushed out of me like a waterfall, but I didn't stop, I wanted Liam safe. I pushed again, and felt the tip of Liams hairless head, I was so happy I about cried. But I then realized, I was getting weak and fast!

Five minutes of pushing and nothing changed, I felt so useless and weak. Tears streaming down my face, but I was no where close to giving up, I was determined! Just as I was about to push again, Logan came running in the room. I felt releaved know he would no matter what, save Liam.

* Logans P.O.V *

Finally approaching our home, I shifted at the front door amd ran as fast as my human feet could carry me. I followed her sent, even more her screams. Finally reaching my destination I saw Nevaeh on the floor, with a puddle of blood underneath her widely spreaded legs. Sad so say, she looked horrible. She was sweating horribly, she was shaking and looked pailer then she ever has, Nevaeh looked weak and it scared me, she looks as if she is about to die.

Tragedy ! ( ON HOLD, AND WORKING ON EDITING )Where stories live. Discover now