Lady Fury

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Lady Fury

Elliott Grey

I pushed the doors open as I ran as fast as I could chasing after Finn.

"Finn, I swear if you don't stop"

"Leave me alone! Ellie!"

" You owe me 50 quid! Pay up" I shouted from less than 5 feet behind him

" I don't have 50 quid!" I was closer and I took this chance to jump on top of him.

" Oi! What the hell is wrong with you Elliott!" I knew he was stronger than me but when I'm angry no one is stronger than me.

I put a leg on either side of him as I got on top of him. I could tell people were staring but I brushed it off as I gave Finn a death glare.

" You don't have my money?" I asked in a dangerously low voice

" Umm? Well... You see. It's not that I don't have it at all, it's just that I don't have it at the moment" he said in a rushed voice.

" Huh, you don't say?"

" Haha, yeah. Umm can you get off of me now?" He said with a cautious voice

" Yeah.. yeah of course just one more thing"

" And what's that?"

Those were his last words before I pulled my fist back and took the strongest swing I could muster.

Shamefully someone pulled me back before my fist could make contact with Finn's face.

" AHHH! LET GO OF ME, YOU COCK-SUCKER" I screamed to the bloody fuck-up who stopped me from making justice.

"Stop it! Ms. Grey" The fuck-up who pulled me back cleared their throat, and that was when I realized who it was, and I immediately stopped squirming .

It was the principal, Mr. Williams or some shit like that.

Great it was my third day in this piece of shit school and I was already in trouble.

I honestly thought I wouldn't last this long, this is like a new record for me.

Mr. Williams let go of me and that was when I looked around. There were at least 80 people staring at the scene I just caused.

I shrugged it off once again and tried focusing on what Mr. Williams was saying to me. But it was quite hard focusing because every time he spoke his chin would go up and down causing what's left of his neck to jiggle.

I giggled at how much it jiggled, without realizing the consequences.

"Is something funny Ms.Grey?"

"Huh. Umm yeah, your chin jiggles a lot." I murmured

Everyone laughed and that was when I realized what I had said. I was so caught up in Mr. Williams junk I didn't even realized what I was saying.

"Oh crap! NO that's not what I meant... What I meant to say was that. Oh.Umm. Oh you know what fuck it! give me a detention and send me off" I said already expecting my punishment

"Hahaha, That's quite funny Ms.Grey. Detention?"

Oh no.

I knew this laugh and I did not like this laugh. This was the 'Detention? That's funny, but I will just make up excuses just so I could give you a bigger punishment', laugh.

"Ms.Grey, detention fits you small by now. You caused way too much damage for me to just pass it of as a small and simple detention."

" Caused way too much damage? To what to your bloody feelings and your barely existing neck?"

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