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9- Zayn
Chapter dedication: LMAO FORGOT TO DEDICATE 😂

Zayn was shivering badly. His clothes were so cold, and his skin was like ice. Butch patted a box for him to sit down on, but Zayn had other plans. He began to stretch his legs, move his arms, make his blood run and warm his body. Tom and his men, however, thought he was going to run and he was tackled to the ground. Zayn groaned at the impact of his body against the hard ground. He let out a breath, and closed his eyes, pressing his forehead to the cold ground. He felt so awfully depressed, his body shivering, frozen to the bone.
Tom scratched the back of his neck sheepishly and ordered for the man to stand up. As he lifted himself off of the prisoner, Zayn let out a sigh of relief, the heavy weight easing from his back. He stood up on shaking legs, wrapping his arms around himself as his teeth chattered. He couldn't help but shoot the man a dirty look, though his anger wasn't as strong as before. He felt deflated of the burning feeling, the empty one taking it's place instead.

Either they ignored his freezing state or they didn't care, but the three psycho's continued their plans. Zayn decided it was probably the latter. He stood there awkwardly, arms wrapped around himself. He wasn't interested and so didn't even listen to their conversation. Instead he turned his head around, scanning the warehouse. There was one door, the main one. But there had to be another door, a backdoor maybe. He'd known by now that Tom's men patrolled the main one a few times, by the sounds of snow crunching as they walked back and forth. "Aye, eyes here." Tom snapped, and Zayn averted his gaze to him instead. The look he was giving the lad was frightening, anger and only anger. Tom's teeth were gritted and he shook his head at Butch. Zayn looked at Butch curiously, what was going on?
"No." Tom said, clearing his throat. "No."
"Come on now Tommy." Butch said.
"Don't call me that!"
Butch grinned, knowing he'd struck a nerve. "It will be like a little sleepover."

"Hang on, what is going one?" Zayn asked, starting to dread. Sleepover?
"Butch wants to take you to his 'place'." Tom said, doing air quotations.
Zayn swallowed, glancing at Butch, who patted his back. "It'll be ace, won't it Jeff?"
The other guy, who'd Zayn totally forgot was there because of his silence, looked up from the papers. "No."
"He'll be treated well, warm clothes, warm fire." Butch said, completely ignoring Jeff's answer. Zayn felt himself getting drawn to the offer. He would die here if he was with Tom anymore. Maybe Butch wasn't so bad, maybe he would release him after getting what he got.
Tom crossed his arms. "No."
Butch narrowed his eyes, his happy demeanor changing instantly. "Kay." he said curtly, looking down at the papers. Zayn sighed, rubbing his arms. Well there went his chances of staying alive.
As he stood there, his eyes landed on the papers. The three men were discussing again, placing stones on different places on the map while Butch scribbled something on a notepad. Zayn frowned, starting to get interested. What were they planning?

"You're going to rob a bank?" Zayn blurted out, his eyes skimming over the map as his hands continued to rub his arms. Why had this year's November become so cold?
Tom smirked, his anger having disappeared already. "No, we're going to rob a jewelry store."
"Bankedy bank comes later." Butch said with a wink, and Zayn felt sick. What illegal part were they going to make him play? He glanced at the notepad, trying to find an answer.
Buch snatched it up from the table, shrugging. "That's private."
"Ya sure the kid gonna help us?" Jeff said, his eyes looking Zayn up and down. "He ain't something special."
Tom rolled his eyes. "You have no idea how special he is. Just the sight of him will make the police drop their guns."
Zayn's mind buzzed as he thought over this new information.
Butch chuckled. "The drama will be ace. Who the fuck thought you could use a celebrity like that?" He nudged his head towards Zayn. "Pretty boy'll come useful, eh?"

Tom smirked, crossing his arms and leaning back on the wall. "I know, I'm a genius."
Zayn rolled his eyes, his heart thumping in his chest. He understood now. They were going to use him to stop the police from arresting, shooting or anything that might hurt him. Not because they wanted Zayn to stay safe though. Zayn snorted at the thought.
"What if I don't do it?" he challenged, a bit tentatively. Tom rolled his eyes."You don't have a choice."
"I could go with Butch." Zayn said, knowing the man was his only way out. Butch's face lit up and he grinned. "See, told ya." He winked at Zayn. "We'll leave-"
"No." Tom said angrily, his eyes blazing. Zayn's heart sank. He had never seen him get this angry. "It's not your choice." he said harshly to Butch.
"But-" Zayn glanced at Butch, hoping he could help him. Tom noticed this look and it took only a seconds before Zayn was slammed against the wall. Zayn winced, his head starting to throb. "What did I say?" Tom whispered harshly, his gaze burning into Zayn's hazel eyes. "Shut the fuck up." his breath fanned Zayn's face, and the lad swallowed, his heart beating loudly in his chest. "You are my weapon and my weapon only." he whispered, his hands pressing Zayn hard to the wall.

Tom slammed his head one more time, and Zayn let out a cry. The kidnapper grabbed a pack of cigarettes, giving a look to his men as he left the warehouse, leaving Butch and Jeff standing there. Zayn squeezed his eyes shut, leaning heavily on the wall, his head pounding.
That's it, he thought. He despised this man so so much. He'd never thought he would hate anyone so much in his life, have an enemy he completely loathed, but Tom had won that prize and there was no way he could return it.
Zayn breathed heavily, his heart thumping in his chest. Butch furrowed his brows. "Don't worry, we'll take you out of here."
Zayn nodded, wincing as he stood up, one hand on the back of his head.

How was the chapter? 😉 Don't forget to check my other story, Baby Jayn!
Also, which POV do you want the robbery to be in?
Drag med down music video 😩
Niall was adorable ☺️, harry was harry 💆, Louis was 😏, and Liam was 😍, and all the while I kept thinking, how would Zayn look in this suit? 😔❤️
And the fact that I can't stop laughing because I always accidentally type Bitch, instead of Butch is hilarious 😂😂
Votes, comments, and follows are highly appreciated. I think I'm gonna set some goals soon 😉

xx 😘

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