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76- Zayn

The phone was snatched from his hand and Zayn didn't even bother fight for it. Fuck it and fuck them. Number one liars in the world. Anger and rage bubbled in his chest and he took a deep breath, trying to control himself. Tom was still out there. That bastard was still alive and well and free.

"Perrie, yeah...well he needs to go now. Oh maybe you're mistaken, yeah," Louis said, glancing at Zayn. Zayn clenched his jaw. Louis didn't need to pretended, he wasn't dumb.

"Ok, bye."

"Zayn...are you okay?" Niall asked and Zayn ignored the lad, not wanting to spill over. He need to have control. Waliyha placed her hand on his, but he pulled back. "I'm fine."

"You don't look fine, all pale," Louis said, chucking his phone to Liam and crossing his arms. "What's this crap about?"

"You tell me," Zayn said angrily. "Tom's on the loose."

To other people, Louis' reaction was indifferent. But to Zayn, Louis was hiding his fear. His eyes showed his disappointment. Zayn cut him off before he could even come up with a lame excuse. "Spare me the details, liar."

He took another deep breath, massaging his temples. He needed to control himself. It was Louis' birthday, it wouldn't do any good to be angry on him. Zayn felt his heart drop to his stomach as he went through his and Perrie's conversation. "Just tell me one thing," he said, quieter this time. "Is it true?"

"Oh come on, Zayn. We told you-" Liam started, but Zyan shot him a dirty look. "You lied to me, okay? Like you always do. I don't fucking care if it was to protect me or kill me. Could have told me the truth." He turned to his mum, sadness engulfing him. "When I asked you that night, you said they were both apprehended."

Trisha swallowed and years of living under the same roof, Zayn knew she had lied. She was extremely guilty for it, but what good was that? She'd lied too.

"He's not," Harry said suddenly. Zayn rolled his eyes, turning to Harry. "What?

"He's not on the loose," Harry said suddenly. "I promise you the police has him."

"Stop lying!" Zayn exclaimed angrily. "I know you are because you all look guilty as hell! Even you Safaa, you knew! Even the youngest in this room knew. But not me! Not the person who had all right to know. What did you think I would do? Suicide if I found out? Well sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm stronger than that. Or maybe last year when shit like this happened, you're forgetting I went through the same thing!"

"Zayn," Trisha said, shocked. Safaa looked down, tears in her eyes. Zayn's heart sank. He knew he was being a dick, but he was just so angry.

"Zayn, trust me," Harry pleaded. "He's caught, I can even call Detective Al and ask him in front of you."

"Oh please, I don't even trust him anymore. I get it why you were all whispery and secretive," Zayn scoffed. "It makes sense now. And you Harry, I always trusted you the most of the boys. Because Liam and Louis will always try to keep me safe in their ways by lying, and Niall just goes along with it, but you. You're the one who brags about honesty is important and shit. What now, huh?What happened now?"

Harry looked down, and now Zayn didn't even care that he was hurting everyone. He took a deep breath, angry at them and annoyed at himself for ruining the mood and Louis' birthday.

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