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35- Harry:

Harry bounced his leg up and down as he went through Zayn's phone. He tapped on the notes app but the last one was a list of groceries...
He went through Zayn's internet history, but nothing.
"Found anything yet?" Niall asked, stuffing his mouth with crisps. Harry shook his head. They were at the police station and had just explained what he had broken through.
Uhm you know the uh money thing? Yeah I did last week. Tom. Butch. You guys know. Thought we could do that again, maybe with Bobby.
Remember what I said, Harry.

Last week they had robbed the jewel shop, Harry thought. Tom and Butch. Do it again could only mean they were going to rob something again. Maybe with Bobby.
Harry smiled proudly to himself. A.k.a the police. Then came the tricky part, where was the robbery? Now this was a complete wild guess and Harry still doubted it, but he assumed it was a bank. Money could mean either that, or...
Harry grimaced as he tried to come up with something else. He just hoped he was right. There were still problems in their way. Which bank, when, how, Butch or Tom?
Harry absentmindedly tapped on the photos icon, unsure whatever he wanted to depress himself further or not. However, the recent pics weren't Zayn's. Harry's eyes widened. They were of Zayn, and they were quite recent. He opened the first pic and his face softened. Zayn was sitting on the floor of an abandoned building, his knees pulled close to his chest. Harry pressed his lips together, a lump forming in his throat. He looked so fucking pale, his eyes closed. The way he was trying to keep warm by curling into a ball was just downright heartbreaking.

"Aye, what's..." Niall's question trailed at the end, his eyes landing on the picture. "Man, I miss him so much." He said, not tearing his gaze. "I really thought we had him yesterday."
"Me too." Harry swallowed, the gun coming to mind again. He hadn't slept at all last night, his thoughts keeping him awake. Most had been doubts about the bank thing while others had been horrible what if questions.
Harry swiped the screen and found three more, two of them in which Zayn was sleeping, one where he was eating, and the last one was of him lying on the ground, a pained expression on his face.
Niall's jaw tightened. "When we catch those guys, I'm gonna make sure their punishment will be so fucking painful."
Harry sighed, going through the rest of Zayn's library. It pained him to watch the adorable smiles and laughs so he locked the phone, letting it sit on his lap. Niall handed him the crisp, looking like he'd just lost his appetite.

One thing was for sure though, Zayn looked better. He didn't look pale. Weak, yes. But not completely frail as he had when Tom had held him at gunpoint. That didn't reassure Harry that Butch was better. He didn't know what kind of feud was going on between the two kidnappers but he just hoped Zayn would be okay. Officer Al walked out of his office, giving them an affirmative nod. "I've filed the report and now," he pulled a out a chair and sat himself across from them, "are you sure about this?"
Liam lifted his head up and opened his eyes, sighing. He nodded tiredly. "Yeah." He turned to look at Harry and the Cheshire lad nodded. "Yeah, positive."
He nibbled on his bottom lip, feeling anything but sure. Officer Al pulled out a large map and folded it in half, putting it on the table. The boys leaned forward and noticed he had marked red circles around different places. Harry squinted and realized they were banks. Different banks around Bradford.
"Last time was by Dean's coffee." Officer Al said, brows knitted. "If Tom and this guy Butch really are having a rivalry, it'll be easy for us to be the third opponent."

"Do you know anything about Butch?" Louis asked, fingers curled around his coffee mug.
Officer Al shook his head in dismay. "Sadly, no. I have sent a request to search for his name in our history, but until then I know as much as you boys do."
"You're sure that Zayn said exactly those words, right?" Liam asked doubtfully. Harry scratched the back of his neck and nodded. "Yeah-yeah I'm sure. I memorized them, I wouldn't forget them." He heard how unsure he sounded and cleared his throat. "Yes, I'm sure. Don't worry."
Liam gave him a small nod and what seemed to be a smile. Harry just hoped he was right.

After a whole hour listening to officer Al abut the different ways they would attack with formation, and trying to decode Zayn's message in another way, the boys thanked the man and left the office.
As the boys got in the car, Harry told Louis he would walk on his way home. He needed the fresh air. Louis frowned. "But you'll get sick."
"I won't," he promised, jamming his warm hands in his pockets as Liam opened the door. They left the building and parted ways, the three of them sitting inside the car. Louis offered to walk with him, but Harry declined politely. He needed some time alone.
As he walked down the snowy stone streets, he inhaled sharply. The air was crisp and the cold was nipping at his skin, making him snuggle his nose in his scarf. The trees were completely blanketed by the snow, as well as the buildings, looking like soft marshmallows.
Harry crossed the road, trying to keep his fists warm in his pockets.

Zayn had been kidnapped by Tom, and he was with them when they robbed the jewelry store. Then apparently some time in between Butch captured Zayn and demanded the ransom. Suddenly this girl, Riley, joined his pack. Harry frowned. She didn't seem harmful. Why wash she with Butch?
He couldn't be sure though, and he didn't feel like trusting anyone. Butch was as bad as Tom, and Tom was as bad as Butch. Harry turned the corner and let out a breath, watching it come out foggy.
He pulled Zayn's phone out of his pocket and stared at his own reflection. His hair was disheveled and his eyes were tired from lack of sleep. Despite all that, he felt determined for once. He felt a spark of hope. All was not lost. But at the same time, this could be their last chance.
Harry's gaze hardened and he locked his jaw, stuffing Zayn's phone back in his pocket. They would find him and this time, they would bring him back home.

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