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51- Louis

Louis paced back and forth, unable to sit still. He tugged at his hair, biting his lip furiously. Niall was sitting on one of the chairs, biting his nails. Harry held his head in his hands, breathing heavily beside him and Liam had his eyes squeezed shut, hands shaking in his lap. Louis sighed, stopping his pacing. But then he felt the need to move again and he walked back and forth in the hallway. They were waiting outside the second floor, Room 200-230 surrounding them. Louis leaned back on the wall and closed his eyes for a second. Images flashed in his mind and he reopened them, teeth gritted.

He felt like ripping Tom's head off. Truth be told, Louis had been more worried about Butch lately. That guy creeped him out, from the wild look in his eyes to his crooked smile. But he'd forgotten the original threat, the one who kidnapped Zayn in the first place. Tom Finley.
Louis slid down to the ground, finding the cold wall comforting. He crossed his fingers. Zayn would be okay. He was a strong guy. He could get through this.

He didn't know how he managed to fall asleep, but he eventually did. Harry shook him awake about an hour or so later, a cup of steaming hot coffee in his hands. His eyes were puffy and posture was tired, but nonetheless he managed a half-smile as he handed Louis the paper cup. Louis mumbled a thanks to him and sat up straighter, taking a sip. The warm liquid burned his throat, but it was soothing and it gave Louis a warm and fuzzy feeling. He pulled his phone out and saw that the time was 19:34 which meant they'd been here for about an hour. Louis's brows furrowed. He had 13 miss calls. Two from Jeff, four from Trisha, five from Pete and two from Waliyha.
Louis decided to call Trisha first since she deserved to know. The poor woman was probably worried sick. On the fourth bell, Trisha's voice sounded through the phone.
"Hello, Louis?"

"Hi," Louis said, his voice a bit hoarse. He cleared his throat and placed his cup beside him on the floor, unsure how to break it down to her.

"Are you okay? Why is no one answering the phone? Where are you? I was so worried, don't ever do that again."

Louis half-smiled at the mother inside her. "We're okay." His smile dropped. But Zayn's not. "Uh we found Zayn."

There was silence on the other end except for Trisha's breathing. "Y-you found him?"

Louis took a deep breath. "Yeah, Butch got arrested."

He heard sniffling on the other end and Louis frowned. "Don't cry, he'll be home soon."
He tried to swallow the lump in his throat, a bad feeling taking over in his gut.
"I-I know, I'm just so...happy. I thought I'd lost him," Trisha cried on the other end. "Where are you?"

Louis closed his eyes. "Well, that's the problem. We're in the hospital."

"What?" Trisha's tone immediately became guarded. "What happened to him?"

"He got shot in the leg," Louis mumbled, reopening his eyes.

Trisha's soft gasp sounded through the phone. "Will he be okay? Please Louis, tell me will he be okay?"

Louis was about to reassure her when he saw a man in lab coat tapping Liam's knee. Liam had buried his face in his lap and he lifted his head up immediately. Louis's eyes widened and he moistened his lips. "Uh I'm sorry, I'll talk to you later. Don't worry, okay? The doctor's here. I'll call later, bye."

Louis scrambled to his feet, coffee long forgotten on the floor. He walked forward just in time to see Niall answering the doctor. "Yeah we are the ones who brought him here."

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