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15- Liam
Chapter dedication: @turtlefreak

Liam was pulled back into Officer Al's car. "No talking." Al ordered, stepping on the gas, making the car lurch forward. His car was bigger compared to the other police cars, and the three boys and Trisha were crammed together in the backseat, Louis sitting in the front. Al swerved to the left, and Liam watched with wide eyes as they chased the van Tom had pushed Zayn in. And they were losing it.
Liam glanced desperately at the other police cars as they swerved left and right, trying not to crash into shops.
That's when they came out on the road. "Left." Harry said quietly, eyes staring out of the window. Sure enough, the van had turned a quick left and was speeding forward. Al followed them, but there were too many cars in front, due to red traffic light. "Dammit!" Al said, punching the horn. Everybody made space for the police car, and Al stepped on the gas. But they were gone. Liam's heart sank. No van in sight. "New plan." Al mumbled, reaching forward for the radio. "Jeffrey, tell Jake to stack up all the info back at the office. I think it's time."

"Time for what?" Niall asked.
Al pursed his lips. "To do research. I suggest you five go back home."
Liam knew he was lying, he could see it. But right now, he was too deflated to bother and pry it out of him. He glanced at the others. Their eyes seemed clouded, and Liam wondered whether his was too. Trisha looked the worst, completely unaware of her surrounding. Take care of the girls and mum for me. Please.
Liam swallowed. He was okay, there was no need to be sad. They couldn't lose hope. He had to be strong for everybody. He was Liam, he always had to be strong.
Al drove them back to the office, and from there they thanked him half-heartedly, going back to the car. "I'll pick the girls up." Louis mumbled, and Liam wanted to pitch in and tell him that he'd do it. Besides he was Liam, the strong one. But he was too tired and just nodded, knowing Louis needed a distraction.
They arrived home minutes later, the cold wind slapping them in the face. Now that the sun was about to go down, the previous better weather was fading, and Liam found himself shivering.

He walked up the steps and unlocked the door, Harry and Niall bringing Trisha inside.
The fire was still cackling, and Liam frowned. They forgot to turn it off. Something tugged at the back of his mind, but Liam ignored it, deciding he should make hot chocolate for everybody to distract himself. But that task was taken upon Harry, the sound of cups clunking coming from the kitchen. Liam took off his coat, and walked over to where Niall and Trisha were seated, by the fire. He sat down on the carpeted floor, the cackling fire feeling wonderful after the cold day. It felt like his bones were warming, and he sighed in content. But he wasn't content.
Liam bit his lip, staring at the fire. He had to stay strong. For everybody. It was his job. But his hands were shaking. "Liam, you okay?" Niall asked quietly.
Liam forced a smile that seemed stiff and nodded. "Yeah, uhm I'm fine." he swallowed the enormous lump in his throat. Niall pursed his lips. He looked fine. Why did he look fine? Why didn't Liam look fine? Why did he lie? Did he lie that he was fine? No, he was fine.
Wasn't he?

Liam scrambled to his feet, his hands still shaking as he walked past Harry. "Liam, do you want hot chocolate?" Harry asked quietly, reaching out with the cup. Liam forced another smile, but this one seemed even more stiff than the one before. "No, thanks."
Harry took in his face, brows furrowing, but he nodded as if saying it was okay. Okay to cry.
Liam knew that, but he couldn't cry. He had to be strong. For everybody.
He turned around and hastily walked up the stairs. He closed the door to the guest room with shaking hands and rested his forehead on the cool wood, letting out a breath. Tears pooled in his eyes. He was right there. Right freakin there.
Liam couldn't help it as sobs escaped his lips. He was not strong, he wasn't strong anymore. He couldn't help it. Liam turned around and sank down to the floor, the tears spilling down his cheeks. Wise choice, Liam boy. I've always wanted to kill Zayn, especially after Australia.
Liam clenched his fists, the tears wetting his jeans. That stupid prick. It was all his fault. Zayn's appearance popped into his mind, and Liam's shoulder slumped as he cried silently, head bowed.

He had looked so weak, so pale. His hazel eyes had no longer been the epitome of joy, sparkling with mischief and happiness, but were now where dread, fear, and tiredness situated. It was horrible. He was wearing a single jacket, for gods sake! He would be freezing to death. Liam wiped his eyes with his sleeve, his nose was now even more runnier than it had been this morning. Liam sucked in a breath. This morning when they were called by Al, informing them that the data was almost complete, that they could track Zayn's location. The joy was temporary, however, as an alert was given to Al. Mr. Saheed's jeweler store was being robbed. Liam hadn't payed much attention, until Al said it was Tom. It had to be.
The five of them had demanded to be brought along, and so Al gave in eventually.
Oh god, he stood there, gun pointed to his head. And he looked so sick, eyes red, and nose pink and runny. Even his voice had been dry, and it broke Liam's heart. It broke him to see Zayn like this. Why was it always Zayn? He didn't deserve it, not at all. Liam sniffed, wiping his nose as he staggered to his feet. He opened the door and exited the room, his socketed feet carrying him automatically to the one room he loved the most in this house. The one room with so many memories. Of his laugh, of his smile. Even of his worse days.

Liam walked down the hall quietly, stopping in front of the door. He reached forward and pushed the handle, pushing open the door. It was just like Liam remembered it. Nothing much had changed, the comic book still stacked on the shelf beside the fan made scrap book. A football was lying beside the bed and Liam walked over, kicking it softly. Frames occupied the space of the side table and a smile tugged on Liam's lips, they hadn't been there last time. Tears welled in his eyes and he wiped them away. There was one of Zayn and his sisters, his arms protectively around them. He was grinning goofily at the camera, matching the girl's funny faces. Besides the funny and cute photo there was one of Trisha and Zayn. Zayn had his arms around her as she leaned on him, a happy smile on her face. Zayn was taller than her, and she reached his shoulder, her head leaning on it. Zayn's smile was not goofy like in the previous photo, but more simple happiness radiated off of it. Two more frames were left and Liam found himself chuckling at the next one. It was the five of them crammed into one pic. He remembered the day. It was just after their show in Madison Square Garden.

They looked sweaty, tired, and their breaths had been heavy, but nonetheless all of them were smiling widely to the camera. The picture was old, but they were all so happy. Everything had been so good, they had been unstoppable, enjoying life at it's fullest.
Liam turned to the last one and his smiled dropped, his heart clenching. It was of him and Zayn. It was the day in Ohio. The day they had been fishing, and then later went for dinner. Zayn was smiling, simply just smiling, his eyes sparkling. The sun was dipping dow behind them n, making the water behind them look stunningly beautiful. Liam was smiling too, his eyes shining as well. Still, right now Liam couldn't removed his eyes from Zayn. He was breathtaking, simply beautiful, his face shining, making it glow like the sun in the background. He was carefree, funny, and stubborn Zayn. Liam wiped the fresh tears from his cheeks and turned around, falling face first in the bed. Even the freakin covers had Zayn in them, the smell of his cologne present along with a hint of vanilla, making it smell strong but relaxing, and Liam found himself closing his eyes as he buried his face deeper in the mattress.

How's the story going so far, eh?
Thankfully, I've got over my stupid cold. Schools starting again, so I don't know about updates! And to those who don't know, I'd love it if you check out my story Baby "Jayn"!
Chapter is dedicated to turtlefreak for her comment on chapter 9, thank you I'm glad you enjoyed it 😊
And even though I don't  always answer to every single comment, I read every single one and they're fuel for my writing 😉 so thank you to those who comment and vote, and of course to my followers 😘❤️

All the love xx

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