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81- Liam
Dedicated to @Juliakorn123 for voting on my stories and following me! Thank u 😊💕

Liam closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He looked at Zayn who was totally fine. Only a slice on the wrist and nothing more. Liam took another deep breath. "How did he escape?"

Louis clenched his jaw and shrugged. "I wanted to go to Al, but leaving Zayn alone didn't seem like a good idea."

"Did he say what happened?" Harry asked quietly, glaring at the polished floor.

Louis shook his head. "I just know what Trisha told me. Tom tried to kill him though, and Zayn's leg was hurting pretty badly."

Niall nodded. "Thanks for making me lose my appetite." He pushed the fries away and stared at Zayn, the look in his eyes reflecting in all of the boys. Liam glanced at Zayn's sleeping figure, drool leaking out his mouth and arms crossed loosely. A smile tugged on Liam's lips and his heart ached for the boy. He wanted to keep Zayn safe, wanted to keep him from harm's way. Liam's smile dropped. But he'd failed to do that.

"God, I just want to squeeze him," Louis said, standing up. "He looks like a harmless bunny."

Niall shot him a funny look and Louis laughed, walking over to the door. Liam turned to him. "Where are you going?"

Louis smirked, anger in his eyes. "To talk to the bastard himself. I wanna know how this shit happened."

"I'll join you," Liam said, but Louis shook his head. "Stay. He'll be waking up soon."

"He hates me," Liam said with a frown. "He's mad at all of us."

"And he doesn't trust us anymore," Harry said with a sigh.

"This sucks," Niall summed up, pulling his legs up on the couch.

Louis swallowed, but nodded. "Yeah...just stay all of you. Perhaps you can comfort him." He snorted. "I stink at it anyway."
The way he was acting made Liam curious, since Louis was the only one who knew how Zayn was. Hopefully, Zayn wasn't going to be too mad at them.

After Louis left, Liam answered a few messages from everybody before calling his mum. "Liam! Merry Christmas, dear!"

"Merry Christmas, mum," Liam said, smiling. "How are you?"

"Oh I'm fine. How are you doing? I thought you were coming home for Christmas?"

Liam swallowed, glancing at Zayn. "Yeah, I don't think I can."

"Is everything okay?" his mother asked worriedly. "How's Zayn?"

Liam felt like crying. He wanted to spill everything, how harsh life was to them, how Tom the rat was never giving up, how nowhere felt safe. The worst thing was that Zayn and his friendship didn't even exist inside hospital walls. He knew Zayn was pushing him away like he always did, but something was different this time. Pure annoyance in his eyes. He didn't even look for comfort anymore as he used to do.

Liam took a deep breath. "He's getting better, mum."

"Liam, you sound sad."

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