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65- Zayn:

He is standing in the middle of a dark room. The wind is howling and it's really cold. The atmosphere feels tense and Zayn rubs his bare arms. Why the hell am I wearing a t-shirt? He had changed into his blue shirt yesterday. But his arms are bare and it's freezing here. He hears distant voices and he squints through the darkness, trying to make out anything at all. Two figures come in sight by a frosted window, one of them has his back to Zayn. Zayn takes a step forward and he hears the crunching of snow beneath his bare feet. He scowls as the cold begins to numb the skin under. He clenches his chattering teeth together and quickens his pace as he makes his way towards the two figures. Maybe they can help him get to someplace warm. When he nears the two persons, their conversation becomes clearer. They are talking about him. Zayn feels an urge of panic. They are talking bad things about him and he is standing right behind them. Suddenly, the first one stops talking and looks up at him with smirk. Zayn recoils, taking a step back. The second one turns around and laughs. His mouth is moving and Zayn's heart thumps in his chest. The goosebumps on his arms are nothing compared to the fear inside him. "Obey or Pay," snarls the second one, eyes growing dangerously. Zayn turns around and runs as he feels their claws scratching his back. He yells for help, but no one seems to be there.

Zayn woke up with a start, breathing erratically. His damp shirt stuck to his body as he sat up. A shiver ran down his spine, his heart pounding in his chest. He took deep breaths, but it didn't seem to work. Zayn began to panic as his heart didn't slow down and he grabbed the nearest thing tightly, which just oh happened to be Liam's arm, and squeezed his eyes shut. He tried to focus on the distant sound of rain pouring, but he was unsuccessful in doing so. Zayn buried his face in his pillow, one hand coming up to tug at his hair while the other squeezed Liam's sleeve. He felt himself calm down slowly minutes later, heart rate returning to normal and breathing evening out. Zayn exhaled, pulling his hand away from Liam's arm and sitting up. He grabbed the glass from his bedside table and poured himself some water. After downing the glass, he turned his attention to around the room. One lamp was on, lightning up the room dimly. Louis was sprawled on the couch while Liam had pulled up the armchair, head on his shoulder and arms dangling. Nobody else seemed to be here, and Zayn guessed his mother had went home. The pizza boxes lay on top of each other on the table, the coke cans were open and the paper plates were filled with crumbs.

Zayn grabbed his phone and turned it on, immediately going to some of his games and began playing. He felt tired and his head hurt, but he was in no mood to go back to sleep. After a few minutes, he became bored and his eyes lingered on the twitter app. After fighting an internal battle with himself, he turned his phone off. He wasn't ready to face the world yet. Sometimes he forgot he was Zayn Malik, member of One Direction. He pursed his lips as he contemplated the thought of falling asleep again. Crossing out that option, Zayn pushed himself to the side, grimacing at the strength he had to use. He then leaned forward and stuck his hand in Liam's jacket pocket. The younger boy's jacket rested on the arm of the armchair. Zayn digged around his pocket and grabbed the earbuds, pulling them out. It had been a long time since he'd listened to music.

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Zayn's eyes immediately fluttered open when someone pulled the phone gently from his grasp, taking off the earbuds. Harry smiled softly at him. "Good morning."

Zayn yawned, stretching his arms above his head. "Good morning."

Liam pushed the bed table as Zayn sat up straighter and placed a tray with toast and a glass of milk on it. Zayn managed a tired smile.

"You okay?" Niall asked worriedly, sitting down on the now empty armchair.

"Yeah, just didn't get much sleep last night," Zayn answered with a sigh.

Niall exchanged glances with Harry and Zayn didn't even bother to assure them he was okay. He closed his eyes again and pulled the duvet up to his chin. "Zayn, Nate stopped by and told us to give you this," Liam said. "You can sleep after having eaten. He even said we'd have to force-feed you if you refused."

Zayn groaned, eyes burning. "I'm super tired. Just let me sleep and I'll eat later."

"Come on, mate. Just two pieces of bread and a glass of milk," Niall encouraged.

Zayn sighed, reopening his eyes and sitting up straighter. Liam smiled at him and he grabbed the first toast, taking slow and bored bites as he endured his headache along with the burning sensation in his eyes. After finishing his breakfast, he didn't feel much like sleeping, despite his body wanting to go into blissful unconsciousness.

"Not tired anymore?" Niall asked as he shook Louis awake. Zayn shook his head as Louis sat up groggily. He ran a hand through his tousled hair and yawned.

"Well, do you want to do anything?" Liam smiled like he'd had a really good night's sleep.

Zayn shrugged. "Where's mum?"

"She'll be here later. It's the girls last week of school," Harry explained.

Zayn nodded quietly. "I want you to be honest with me, are you really okay?" Liam asked seriously, worry in his eyes. Zayn sighed. "I'm-"

"And don't say that you're fine," Louis said, annoyed. He stood up and stretched his arms above his head. "You suck at lying."

Zayn rolled his eyes. "Okay then, let's do something. But in case you haven't noticed, I'm not in the best of condition to do anything, but sit here."

"Okay then." Liam smiled, zipping open a bag. He pulled out a laptop and turned it on. "I was thinking comedy, what do you say Haz?"

Harry opened a packet of crisps and Niall pulled out four cans from the mini fridge. "Sure, but make sure it has adventure too."

"Some superhero shiz as well," Louis suggested, dimming the lights. Zayn couldn't help but smile faintly. "Maybe sci-fi."

Liam grinned and Niall pulled out a fourth can. "Sure."

Vote and Comment for a double update. The next chapter is in Officer Al's P.O.V....

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