Chapter 1: Are you alright?

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"And we're gonna be alright,

Dry your tears and hold tight,

Can't you tell I got news for you,

 Sun is Shining and so are you" 

~Axwell /\ Ingrosso

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Two and a Half hours. Yes, for Two and a half hours, I had been staring at that blank Word Document, trying to come up with a good start. I had most of my character sketches ready to start with but lacked the inspiration to write about the Bad Boy of the Book. Most of my opening sentences perished as soon as it was typed. I had been on a vacation and put-off writing this story for too long and now here I was alone in my bedroom on a Friday night, staring at my laptop till my eyes started to burn while all other normal teenagers were probably out partying, when a knock sounded on my door.

"Come in ", I yelled as in came Sierra with two dresses in her hand. "Pick one, I need to get dressed for this date your brother is taking me to", she said as she held them in front of her. She held out a mint blue lace dress in one hand and a red bandage dress in the other. Blue being my favorite color I immediately pointed to the lace dress and also because the color suited her. "I knew I could always count on you little A!" she said before she gave me a peck on the cheek and rushed out of the room.

Meet Sierra Sanchez, my brother Axl's girlfriend. Axl and Sierra were High School Sweethearts and have been dating for four years now. They went to the local university and it had barely been a month since Sierra had moved in with us. Sierra was almost like a Spanish model with those long, slightly tanned legs and wavy blonde hair that I envied to death. She was really sweet and always supported me in almost everything I did. She had been like a motherly figure to me since my parents split up four years ago, when I was merely 14 years old. And now that she had moved in with us, it was great fun. Dad was almost never home, like today for example, as he had gone out of town to attend a business meeting.

As Sierra left the room, I set up a conference video call with my best friends, Jennifer and Aaron.

"Wassup gurrrrl?" Jennifer drawled.

Jennifer McKenzie had been my best friend since the first time we met in Elementary School. Jennifer and I just clicked from the beginning even though we were complete opposites- there was Jennifer, gorgeous with her auburn hair, dimples and outgoing nature whereas there was me April Campbell, with my funky red curls and irritable, introvert personality. Like they say – Opposites attract, right?

And then there was Aaron Black, my next Best Friend, crazy comedian of the whole class, major flirt and super fun to be around. Funny story how he became my best friend actually. Jennifer had had a crush on him since the beginning of freshman year and by the end of the first term, she built up her courage and asked him out. See? I told you Jennifer was extremely extrovert-ish. But less than two weeks into the relationship, she broke it off, seeing how stupid he was. But he was too crazy of a guy to let go and also he was one of the only people I had met who understood my craze and love for Whose Line is it Anyway? And so I was the one who refused to shun him just because Jennifer didn't like him. I know, you can call me a bad best friend. Although Jennifer did show her contempt towards him in the beginning he just became a part of our group till even Jennifer accepted him as a part of our group.

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