Same old stuff just a different day

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Lauren never quite did fit in, she was lonely. School was shut because nobody liked her, she had a best friend but she went to a different school. They would talk over twitter all the time and of course out of school they would try hang out as much as possible. She spent recess and lunch times alone in the toilet due to fear of going outside and socializing

Lauren's POV

Another day at this Hell hole has begun. I hate school more than anything in the world, the people in it are all stupid peasants. The teachers don't understand good writing or anything when they see it. I do have an escape though music. It takes you to places that nothing else can. It is the only thing that makes this place the tiniest bit stand able. The thing is one day everyone here will regret treating me like shit, I will be on stage performing to thousands of adoring fans. They will wish they stuck up for me, they will wish they were actually my friend but for now im stuck here.

"Lauren, the answer is," Mr Wilson yelled at me, I sat up in my seat quickly hoping he didn't notice I was sleeping.

"Um..I dont know sorry," I answered feeling disappointed in myself.

"that's why you should pay attention Lauren," he said, you could tell he was trying to be nice about it. I just sat in my seat hearing people snicker say mean things behind my back. I wish that day that I got out of here would come sooner.

The class finished and I rushed out of the classroom so then I didn't get pushed around by this weird dude. I have to be so careful because if I make one wrong move I will pay. I turned the corner to see this gorgeous boy who looked like he was my age just standing there looking quite confused. Ok why is he walking near me, doesn't he know better. Should I warn him to stay away from me?

"hi I'm um new here, I was also late today because my younger sister didn't want to get out of bed. I have no idea where room E43 is, would you be able to help?" he asked. His voice was so cute and calming. He clearly didn't know what he was getting himself into by talking to me.

"Do you have English there with Miss Reynolds?" I asked trying to seem cool but helpful. Knowing me I probably failed.

"yeah why?" he asked. He seemed quite confused, which I found quite cute.

"oh because that's my next class so you should just follow me," I said still trying to seem as normal as possible. We walked to the class room and of course we were late. Just my luck.

"Lauren where have you been?" Miss Reynolds asked. I could see most of my class laughing and a slight few seemed to be confused as to why I was with somebody. Hope they didn't think he was somehow my boyfriend.

" I was um.. helping," I paused not knowing what this boys name even was.

"Brock Jays," he said

"Yes I was helping Brock here find his class because he is new here," I said as Miss Reynolds gestured for us both to sit down. Brock sat next to me for the class. We chatted while we did our auto biography assignment, I learnt quite a bit about him actually.

His name is Brock Jays, he has a twin sister named Dallas and a younger sister named Montana. He moved here from Wangarata, I'm not to sure why anyone would want to move here but anyways. He is a singer dancer and actor, so he is actually more like me than I thought. He was also a model, which would explain his amazing looks.

The class Ended and I rushed to my locker not noticing that Brock was behind me. I put all my stuff in my locker and grabbed my cupcake out of my lunch box and walked to the toilets.

"Hey wanna hang out at recess?" Brock asked. I knew I had to tell him the truth.

" I'm sorry Brock you seem really nice and everything and this is why I am saying this. You don't want to be seen with me, I'm the laughing stalk of the whole year level. Nobody likes me, if you are seen with me you get picked on and I don't want that to happen to you. I literally spend lunch and recess in the toilets. Im not the girl you wanna be friends with," I said walking into the toilets because I was too afraid to see his reaction.

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