All I can do is run

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Lauren's POV

"DON'T BE SMART TO ME BROCK JAYS," she yelled. Man I hate Mrs Parker she is a weirdo.

"It's called being sassy miss," Brock replied making me giggle.

"Whatever it is, you are being quite rude," she said which also made me giggle.

"You may think it's rude but I have on good authority that others find it amusing," he replied while giving that cute but cheeky grin that I love.

"DETENTION!" she yelled, has she got anger issues or something.

"Does that mean I have to hang out with your ratchetness," ok I cant hold in my laughter anymore.

"What is this ratchetness you talk about? Also would you like to join him Lauren?" She asked. Isn't the anwer obvious.

"For me to know and you to never find out," Brock said as he ran out of the room. I decided to follow him because well, I don't wanna talk to that weirdo of a teacher.

We ran until we got to our lockers. I know we were most likely going to pay for this but for some unknown reason I couldn't care less. I'm not sure why Brock has this effect on me, it's more than weird. It's like I want to be with him and I don't care what I have to do for it to happen. It's like he has clouded my judgement and I don't mind. I like this feeling its quite nice to be honest.

"Lauren...?" Brock said snapping me out of my daydream.

"What?" I asked trying to act casual but failing majorly.

"I said is there any other teachers I should be worried about?" he asked again.

"You will have to find out," I said cheekily.

"Oh shit," he replied which made us both start laughing.

"Do you think she will search for us," he asked.

"It's highly likely and we will probs get a lecture knowing her," I said while trying to contain my laughter, which is quite hard if you know me.

"Her voice is real annoying when she lectures you," he stated. I couldn't disagree with that statement.

"You can say that again," I said still in fits of laughter.

"Her voice is real annoying when she lectures you," he said with a cheeky smile on his face. I love that cheeky smile it's legit one of the cutest things I have ever seen to be honest.

 The day went by surprisingly fast, it was quite nice. That doesn't normally happen I don't know whether to be happy or sad. Eww I like the hell hole, it's only because I spend every moment with that derp I call my boyfriend. It was pouring rain, which is never nice.

I got home and could feel something wasn't right, I don't know why but I just could. I entered the house to be greeted by both of my parents screaming at each other. No "hey Lauren how was school?" like usual but yelling. My parents never fought, like ever.

After about half an hour of them yelling, I was done. I'm not going to sit here and listen to my own parents saying shit about me. Would it bother Brock? Meh i'm about to find out.

I packed everything that I thought I needed and jumped out the window, I know that sounds weird but anyways. I will get questioned if I went out the front door, also with the mood they are both in I dont want to speak to either of them.

I began walking in the rain, I was getting drenched. My clothes started sticking to my body and it was getting real uncomfortable. I finally found the house and the nerves started to kick in, wait why was I nervous?

I knocked on the door and to my surpise Brock answered.

"Babe why are you here?" he asked clearly quite concerned. Of course I started crying.

"My parents are fighting and everything is shit," I said fighting the sobs.

I know this was really really shit and I'm really sorry

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