You're my prince and i'm your princess

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Lauren’s POV

I woke up checking my school diary, double drama seriously. The teacher is a crack-pot like no joke. I said that I preferred werewolves to fairies and got sent out once. That is taking weird to a whole new level. I hate Miss Levie so much, words can’t describe.

I finally decided to get my uniform on and walk to my least favourite place on earth. I think I would rather be at the dentist or somewhere terrible and that’s saying something because I hate places like that. I put my headphones in and put my iPod on shuffle when I felt my phone go off in my pocket.

New Message from: Brock <3

See you at school babe xxx

Oh my god is so cute. I don’t know why but I love when he puts his three little Xs at the end of almost everything, he even did after some of our facebook messages last night. I arrived at school having people laugh and point at me like usual. When my phone went off three times, what is this?

3 New Messages from: Brock <3

You look gorgeous today xxx

You can’t see me can you xxx

Look around xxx

I scanned the area to find Brock sitting on a bench with his phone staring at me. I walked over to him and he embraced me into a tight hug. I felt safe in his arms, it’s like nothing could hurt me. Mental note: Brock’s arms are my favourite place in the world.

“We have double drama how am I meant to feel about this?” he asked pulling this cute confused face while biting his lip. God lip biting on any boy is the death of me let alone Brock.

“You should be scared, very scared,” I said giggling and he made a face pretending he was scared. We got our books and walked to the crack-pot’s class. Like usual she was like 5 minutes late which gave me time to explain that she was a little strange. I didn’t give him much detail just a little warning.

That’s when he saw her walk down the steps skipping towards the classroom. Most of our class was just laughing but Brock just made this priceless but adorable expression. She finally made it down to our class.

“Fresh meat, I have never seen you before,” she said to Brock as she was walking into the class room. He pulled me back.

“What is she on? Her voice sounds like a pedo,” he said making me laugh.

“Fairy dust probably,” I said and walked into her stupid classroom.

“Now everybody to the circle,” she said signalling to Brock to sit around this circle which is drawn on the carpet with chalk. Some people sat on cushions that she provided but I never trust the stuff she has.

“Now new boy,” she pointed to Brock making him look quite scared.

“I want you to go on the stage and give a little performance showing who you are,” she said pointing to the stage she had set up.

“Um....can’t I just tell you who I am,” he asked looking a little uncomfortable. I felt sorry for him because he had literally just been put on the spot.

“Accept the offer,” she said as she literally dragged Brock on stage. I could see he really didn’t want to do. Why force him you stupid bitch teacher. We were all told to sit on the stupid ‘Line of audience’ then she said her stupid 3,2,1 thing but trust me it isn’t normal.

“Um.... I’m Brock Jays. I am from Wangaratta. I like to sing and also dance. Back in my hometown I helped my mum with her performing thing called ‘Born 2 Perform’ I have 2 sister and one is actually my twin. I like the movie pitch perfect. I don’t know what else to say so bye,” he said then walked off the stage.

“That was really good I think if you did a little song and dance in it you would have engaged with your audience a little more,” she said and he just nodded.

“So go up there and add my feedback into it,” she said Brock just stood there.

“accept the offer,” he still stood there.

“GO OUTSIDE,” she yelled.

“I’ll accept that offer,” he said walking out of the classroom.

After about ten minutes she decided to let him back in. You could tell by the look on his face he didn’t like her one little bit but who actually did? The thing is I would love Drama if she wasn’t our stupid teacher. Why can’t they hire decent teachers?

She then proceeded to give us a 20 minute lecture about writing your own play because that is this terms assignment. We had to get into groups, after about a good 5 minutes or arguing she finally agreed to let me and Brock go as just a pair because I kinda have no other friends hence the fact i’m an outcast.

We decided to do a romance themed play because well we are in love. My luck it will be too detailed and she will tell us not to go below the stupid belt. We had only written a few lines when she came over and took the laptop off us to read it. She nodded and just gave it back, maybe she didn’t want to talk to us.

We were all told to go to circle. She came out with a huge box of costumes, god this cannot be good. She got a princess crown and signalled for me to stand up. So I did and she put it on my head. Everyone started laughing at me and making up stupid stuff so I ran out before the tears could show up. Last thing I wanted was peasants seeing me cry.

Miss Levie tried to get me to come back but I just told her to go away. I literally just sat their crying. Everyone could probably hear me but I don’t even care. It was then when I felt my phone go off.

New Message From: Brock <3

Don’t worry about them. You are my princess xxxx

Awww that actually put a smile on my face. This is why I love him, he can make me smile even when I’m crying. I decided to reply to him.

New Message To: Brock <3

And you are my prince xxx

Before I knew it he walked out the drama room door and kissed me on the forehead. I swear he should go to prison for being way to cute.

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