I don't get it

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Lauren's POV

I don't get why everyone does everything they can to make me feel the way I do. It's like it's their only mission in life is to make me suffer, it's not all that fair but when I think about it life isn't fair. I hate how everyone says to be resiliant because that doesn't help, i've spoken up yet nothing ever happens. I always stop and think, maybe I am everything they say I am, maybe I just didn't realise I was until now. Crap i'm getting lost in my own mind again.

"Babe wait up," I hear the familiar but soothing tone of Brock running behind me. I was in too much of a haze to even reply.. whoops.

"Lauren, I know you're upset but please just speak to me," He said with concern and sadness streaming through his voice. Great last thing I wanted was to upset him.

"Please Lauren," he begged so I decided to finally come to a hault.

"Please speak to me," He said one more time. I didn't say I just collapased into his arms crying. Sometimes I think he is way to good for me. He is amazing, supportive, loyal and everything you could ever ask for in a guy and i'm just me.

"Hey hey just try calm down, you know what we haven't done before. We need to go on a proper date. Yeah tonight we can go to some nice resturant. You can get Dallas to make up all pretty and it will be amazing please say yes," he said finally taking a breath and kissing me on my forehead.

"Yes of course," I said between my sobs that had slowly calmed down after the moments I had in Brock's arms. I swear it is the safest place in the world, the outside world can see me but I can't see them which means they can't do anthing to hurt me. Well metophorcally.

The rest of my day was kind of like a blur I don't even know whether I should class that as a good or bad thing but I don't even care anymore. I kept my eyes focussed on tonight where everything will be about Brock and nothing will hurt, well maybe my foot but you get my drift. Maybe I should try do this more often, I was too distracted on my focus and everything else just blured out.

"I'm going to make you all pretty," Dallas said while laughing because my expression would have been priceless.,

"I thought you thought I already was," I said faking being hurt.

"Naw bubba," she said wrapping her arm around me which caused me to erupt into fits of laughter.

"Now enough it's makeover time,"  she said as she started to put different products on my face.There was a cloth over the mirror so I couldn't see myself which made me nervous. I was already in a dress she gave to me and it was quite fancy which I think I like.

"It's done," she said revealing the mirror. Is it bad I actually like the person who is staring back at me for once. The person almost doesn't seem like me, she looks happy confident, everything i'm not. It may seem weird but after today I almost feel like my out look on life is different in a way. It's probably just the genuine happiness talking but if i'm being honest I like it. Today may have been one of the worst and quite painful but who says tonight won't be different. Brock obviously had a plan and he is such a cutie so it may actually be really good. I'm ready for a fun night with my babe.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2014 ⏰

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