Maybe i've got a friend

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 Lauren's POV

I spent the rest of recess eating my cupcake in the school toilets.Shit thats the bell, hell hole time again. I walked down the hallway to find notes on my locker. What could they be, all I know is they cant be good. I approached my locker with caution because you never know what they could say. I was right to be careful because each one was worse than the last. A lot of them were about Brock, we arent together so why do they care. I couldn't stand it anymore I ripped them all down and teared them to pieces then slid down to the floor crying.

Brock's POV

This map doesn't even help one bit, how am I meant to get to science now? I'm officially lost. I'll probably get yelled at now, not the best impression to make on my first day. I wondered around some more till I heard a faint sound of somebody crying. It didn't sound like they had been physically hurt but i'm not sure. They weren't screaming so it couldn't be too bad but I decided to follow it anyway. That's when I saw her, she was clearly really distressed. Her head in her hand and she was lying on the floor sobbing. What could have happened to make her like this, she isn't even my girlfriend or close friend or anything so i'm not quite sure why it broke my heart but one things for sure, it did.

"What happened?" I asked in a calming tone which didn't help at all because she just cried more. It wasn't me was it, nah i've done nothing wrong.

"um... you..don'," she managed to stammer through the tears.

"I'm here for you I don't care what anyone thinks," I said as I reached down to give her a hug, surprisingly she accepted it. I then proceed to sit down beside her. I hope this is actually calming her and i'm not just screwing it up because she is gorgeous and I wouldn't want to loose her as a friend.

"It's just everybody hates me and they all try as hard as they can to make my life hell. I literally get things thrown at me by everyone. I just walked over to my locker to find some extremely hurtful notes attached to it. I just wanna leave this school, I wanna be with my bestfriend.," she said, why was everyone so mean to such a nice girl? She doesn't seem like the one to cause trouble and bring it on herself so why do they do this to her?

"One thing's for sure, not everybody hates you because I know don't. Also will be here I will stand up for you, what ever you need i'll be there. You are beautiful Lauren and I believe you need to be told that more often," I said which made her blush. God she is cute when she blushes. No Brock you haven't even known her for a day, no falling for Lauren you are a friend for her nothing else.

Lauren's POV

I got up and went to the toilets to splash some water on my face. Once I was done I walked to class with Brock. He is so cute and like really sweet. What kind of boy is nice enough to do this. One thing will he back out when he sees how bad it actually is. He had even written a note explaining the situation so I didn't have to explain it. We reached the hell hole of a science room and the teacher read the note nodding. Random peasants started yelling abuse at me, which caused Brock to snap.

"EVERYONE JUST SHUT THE HELL UP THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH LAUREN, SHE IS BEAUTIFUL AND YOU ALL NEED TO BACK OFF!" shit he is really hot when he was angry. This all caused me to start blushing and the peasants to start chanting. 

"Brock likes Lauren, Brock likes Lauren" god what were they preps. 

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