Chapter One

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Beep Beep Beep

My alarm went off. Today is my first day of being a senior in high school. I have a feeling that today is going to be shitty; just like all the other shitty years of high school. I don't understand why I hate high school, i mean...I have friends, they make me very happy. It's just that, I've never had a boyfriend that hasn't broken my heart before and honestly, that's what I want: a strong, healthy relationship.
I got up and headed to the restroom. 
*skips getting ready*
I checked the time. Fuck I'm gonna be late.
I quickly grabbed my books.
"Bye mom I'll see you later."
"Bye honey." She gave me a kiss on the cheek and I ran out the door. I quickly stepped into my car and turned on the ignition.

"Why the fuck is there traffic?" I muttered to myself. I turned on the radio, hoping that the soothing sound of Lana Del Rey would calm me down. It did.

I got to my school and I was late. Yay! My first day as a senior and I'm fucking late.

I grabbed my schedule.
"Room 819. Biology with Mr. Dolan.." I whispered to myself. I have never heard of this teacher before. I wonder if he's new?

I quickly walked into his class room.
"Excuse me, why are you late?"
"There was traffic."
"Excuses excuses."
"Well I'm sorry that there was fucking traffic." I sassed.
"See me after school today."
"Fuck." I whispered.

I sat down in my seat next to my best friend, Hailey.
"Hey." Hailey greeted with a smile on her face.
"Hi." I mumbled.
"What's wrong?"
"I gave the new teacher attitude and now I have a detention with him after class."
"He's hot though."

I took a good look at the teacher. He was very attractive. He had green/brown eyes with a perfect jawline. You could see his muscles through his black button up. I wasn't going to admit that my bitchy teacher was hot.

I shrugged.
"You don't think he's hot."
"Nope." I lied.
"You, my friend, must be blind." I laughed slightly.

The period passed by slowly. He just talked about what we will be learning this year and what to expect.

**bell goes off**
"Okay class you are dismissed." I grabbed my stuff and I was about to walk out the door when I felt a hand being placed on my shoulder.
"Remember, Ms. Petersen, I will see you after class."
"Yes yes I know." I rolled my eyes.
"Don't sass me." I looked into his beautiful eyes. What am I saying?
I walked away.
"What did Mr. Dolan say to you?"
"He reminded me that I have detention. What a bitch."
"A sexy bitch." I shook my head.
I walked to my next period; math with Mr. Clark, room 437.

The entire period, I couldn't get my mind off of Mr. Dolan. I kept thinking about the perfect shape of his plump lips. Ugh. I hate being a hormonal teenager sometimes.

**skip to PE**
"Are you fucking kidding me?" I said louder then expected.
"My office now!" He said loudly. I followed him into his little PE office.

"I have never let a student talk to me like that what makes you think it's okay to?" Mr. Dolan asked.
"Why the fuck are you my PE teacher?"
"Ms. Petersen, I told you not to swear."
"It's a free country." He chuckled slightly.
"Ms. Petersen, you don't want me to have to punish you, do you?"

Punish? What does he mean by punish?

"No." I said nervously.
"Good. Now since you have chosen to disrespect me today, you will have to be my teacher assistant (TA) for the week."
"For real?" I groaned. He nodded.
"You will have to have to run to the copy room and make over 200 copies for all my classes." I groaned again.
"Maybe next time you won't give me any attitude." I kept my mouth shut.
"Since you are my TA now you won't have to dress out into your PE attire so you can get started now." He handed me a piece of paper.
"Make copies for these, please." I rolled my eyes, rudely grabbed the paper out of his hands and walked to the copy room.

I placed the paper on the copy machine and pressed the 200x button. Now I have to sit and wait. I sat on a table and I pulled out my phone and began to scroll through Twitter.

"Look I'm sorry for treating you so badly." I heard someone say. I turn around to see mr Dolan standing there.
"I cannot let all my student see you disrespect me like that. It's a bad rep." I chuckled.
"So does that mean I don't have a detention today?" I said with my voice full of hope.
"Nope. You still have detention." I sighed.
"And by the way no phones allowed."
"Dude! Come on!"
"Do you want to be punished?" Once again, I felt worried about what he meant by punished.
I didn't reply.
"Hand over your phone."
"Nope." I said and slid it into my pocket.
He stood up and walked over to the door, shutting it behind him. I gulped.
"Guess you will have to be punished."

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