Chapter 19: Don't Leave Me

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Finally back from holiday so I can update!


Damon's p.o.v

My brother pushed us onto the floor as a gun shot rang out through the room.

I watched Henry collapse adjacent to Alex. Blood was pouring out of his shot wound.

"Henry!" I screamed, shoving Alex aside. He looked at his father in terror. I shook his shoulders and pulled my shirt over my head. Holding it against his chest, I applied pressure to the wound to stop the blood from flowing out. Lucy was already beside me chanting ancient werewolf healing spells.

Suddenly, I heard two more shots and looked up briefly to see Alex pointing my shotgun at Ronald. His eyes were dark and filled with anger. Mine were probably the same. He kept coughing and groaning in pain.

"Why did you do that you idiot? You could have died!" I shouted at him, seeing a smile spread across his face.

"I couldn't let both," He coughed, holding his hand over his mouth. "I'm fine Damon. I would do it all-again if I had the ch.cha..chance," He said, showing me his wound. It was too deep to heal. He probably had internal bleeding. I didn't know at this stage.

"Issac says he's ok with dying a second time. He tells me everything just turns dark and you feel yourself falling. Then when you stop you know you have arrived at hell." He chuckled, but stopped when he started coughing again.

I held his head in my right arm, using my other to keep my shirt on the wound. The bullet was still inside him as he didn't have an exit wound. I knew I only had minutes before he would bleed to death.

"I'm sorry for everything Henry. I forgive you. You have been the little brother I've always wanted. I love you and hope you find peace in the next life." I said quickly, so everyone could say what they wanted him to hear.

"You are a great guy and you would have made a brilliant brother in law!" Lucy sobbed, wrapping her arms around my neck. I felt her nuzzle my chest. Holding her in reassurance, I rubbed her back in a soothing circular motion.

"Alex do you want to say something?"

Alex's p.o.v

Ronald was dead. My father was dying. Today was a day for death I suppose. Damon and Lucy were cuddling each other as I walked over to my father. He looked at me and reached out his hand. I held it in mine.

"I'm sorry that-" He kept coughing and squinting his eyes. "I wasn't the father you deserved Alex."

"It's ok. I forgive you...I will always you," I told him, finding it hard to say the final phrase. I had never said it before and it felt weird. Nice, but strange coming from my mouth.

"I...lo.." His voice trailed off as his hand went limp. I tapped him on the cheek in the hope that his eyes might flutter open and he would wake up. He can't be sleeping already. He has to stay awake. I don't want him to fall asleep just yet.

"Please don't leave me." I whispered, hugging his corpse. Damon and Lucy joined me as the tears rolled down my cheek. Phil was stood a few metres away hovering around us awkwardly. My father's death didn't really affect him because he wasn't related to him or had even spoke to him. Apart from the time he shouted at him to get out of our room.

I felt sad at the death of my father obviously. However I also felt guilty. He had come here to try and make things right, but all I had done was threw it back in his face. You shouldn't feel guilty. At the end of the day you didn't know that he was going to save our life, therefore unfortunately ending his. We thought we had forever with him. True.

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