Chapter 1 Disappearing Like Smoke

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   "Hey time to get up!" My mom yelled at me as she threw a pillow at my face. I caught it right as it was about to hit me and threw it to the side onto my floor. "Fine!" I yelled back. "Fine!" "I'm getting up." I got out of bed and crossed my floor opening up my dresser. My mom exited my room. I could hear the patter of her feet as she went down our wooden staircase, the banister creaking as she placed her weight on it. I pulled out jeans and a black t-shirt. I squeezed into my jeans and then zipped them up. Next I pulled the t-shirt over my head and yanked it down over my stomach. I grabbed a necklace and slipped it around my neck. Checking myself in the mirror I had a moment, there was just a moment, of complete and utter silence from the world and for a moment everything stood still. It was beautiful, peaceful, and then it was over. I sighed, those moments always so fleetingly pass from humanity's grip slipping through our fingers, melting away, disintegrating, never to be found again. "What's taking you so long!" My mother shouted from downstairs. "I'm coming!" I yelled at her irritatedly. I sat on my bed and quickly slipped on my sneakers tying the laces as tight as I could. When I stood up I guess I had done it too fast because I had to sink back quickly onto the bed from being to  dizzy. After a minuet or two I got up again but slowly this time. I grabbed my backpack that was beside my bed and headed towards my stairs. My room was on the second floor in the loft my mothers room was downstairs to the left when you were facing the front door, the door was at the end of the stairs. To the right was our living room and then to the right of that was our kitchen. I walked into my kitchen and opened up the fridge grabbing the milk. I set it on the table and then went over to the cabinet and took out a bowl and a spoon, and last but not least I grabbed the cereal from off the counter. My mother must of eaten some because the box was wide open. I ate quickly and put my dishes in the sink, then I put the cereal and milk away. I slid my back pack over my shoulder and started to head out the door. When I passed by my mom she was on the couch watching the news. There was a glass of liquor on the table beside her probably her favorite bourbon whiskey or her jack Daniels. "Bye mom!" "Going to school!" There was no answer like always. I opened up the front door and exited closing it with a loud slam.

  The sidewalk was stained with rain droplets, like a canvas with paint splatters flecked onto it. The air was crisp and fresh, everything smelled like plants and fresh dew. I was almost to school I only was only about three minuets away when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around only to see my friend Alex standing there smiling. "Hey!" I said. "Hey." She responded giving me a hug. Alex and I have been friends since the fourth grade when she punched a boy in the nose for me. Hey he was picking on me so she was defending my honor, it was perfectly justified, even if she did end up getting expelled. "Ready?" She asked me. "Yeah." I said. We started walking towards our school. On the way there we said hello to a couple of neighbors, tried to stay out of the way of crazy drivers, and just plainly tried to enjoy our walk.

      We arrived to the front of our school. Lynbrook high. I was in the middle of my sophomore year here and I was dying to leave but so was everyone else. We hung out for a while with a couple of our other friends until the bell for first period rung and we had to split up for classes. "Hey I'll catch you guys later ok?" I said to my friend group as I walked away. My first class this year was English II and I was always a little excited for the class, I loved to read so English had always been an easy class for me. I entered into the room hoping to get one of the first few seats but I couldn't even get in the middle I had to take the second to last seat, in the very back. Great. I guess people had got here early. What kind of students do that theses days? "Ok class!" My teacher Mrs.Woods shouted above all our chattering voices. "Today we're going to be starting a new book!" "Another Shakespearean piece!" "Remember him?" She said all excited and smiling. But that's the thing about sophomores we usually never get excited about anything in class, unless, you were me. "We're going to be reading..." She said enthusiastically. "Ready for it!" She drum-rolled on her desk with her hands before grabbing the book an raising it into the air. "Macbeth!" She shouted gleefully.

"Yes!" I said quietly pumping my arm downward while my hand was in a fist. Everyone else groaned. Mrs.Woods scanned the room, when she saw me smiling she called my name. "Eva." "Would you please pass out the books?" I nodded my head gleefully. I got up and walked up to the front of the classroom. As soon as I got close enough she handed me a box filled with hard covered books. I passed out books right and left to grabby hands that just wanted to get the book and have the class be over. When I handed the last book off the door to the classroom swung open. A boy in a blue hoodie and black jeans with vans on entered in quietly. He walked to the very back and sat down in the seat right next to mine. "Nice of you to join us." Mrs.Woods said. The boy took off his backpack and winked at Mrs.Woods. "Nice to see you too Mrs.Woods." She put her hand on her hip. "Mmhm." I finished passing all the books except for the last two. I walked up to the front setting the box down. I grabbed the last two books and brought them back to my seat. I handed a book to him, my hands were cold but his were warm and in that split second that our hands touched it sent tingles up my arm, electrifying my body to the core. My eyes bulged. He pulled away slowly as if he knew what his touch did to me and opened his book to the first page. I only hesitated a few seconds before I opened my book to the first page with the rest of the class.

"Thunder and lightning crash above a sottish more. Three haggard old women..."

We read until the bell rung, and through all that time the boy in blue kept looking at me, I tried to ignore him as best as I could, but he was too distracting. He would steal a glance at me when he thought I wasn't looking and I at him. I was trying to enjoy the book but I couldn't. The place where our hands had touched on my skin burned, but not a bad burn, more like a bursting sensation that never went away it made my hand lightly shake and apparently I was the only one who noticed. I clutched my pen as hard as I could trying not to let him notice. As soon as the bell had rung I packed up my book in my bag and headed for the door as quickly as I could, witch if you knew me it was probably very fast. I quickly made my way out of the classroom despite the crowd and slipped away into the masses of people littering the hallways. Disappearing like a wisp of smoke in the night air.

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