pt.4~>Is That Who I Think It Is?

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-Jenns P.O.V-

Right now I was driving to Kian and Jcs house, Jc had to pick up his penny board, the plan for what we are gonna do today is: penny board to Target to buy some snacks, come back to his place, and talk and eat snacks on the roof, "lower the volume, I hate this song" Jc says as 'Cool For the Summer ' by Demi Lavoto plays, I put the volume even louder, "how could you even hate this song!" I shout over the loud music, "because it's annoying" he says putting the volume back down, then it just goes back and forth between us changing the volume, until, I put it all the way up and scared both of us, "AHHHHH" we both scream as I drive a little crazy while Jc puts the volume on mute, "oh my fucken god Jenn" Jc says while breathing heavily, I park in the driveway and get out my car laughing, "lets not fight over a song no more" I tell him while he starts laughing, "well i'll wait for you out here" I tell him standing by the door on top of the steps while standing on my penny board, "are you sure" he said while opening the door, I nod my head. I was on the edge of the third concrete step, stepping onto my penny board, that was a huge mistake, I made my penny board and myself fall off the steps, "oww" I groan looking the huge scrape on my knee that was already bleeding, Jc walks out with a look of confusion but a rush of worry onto his face, "Jenn what happened" he said rushing towards me helping me up, "I fell off the steps" I tell him laughing but limping as I go sit on the first step, "let me get you a bandaid" he said, finally after all that commotion caused by clumsy me, Jc and I started penny boarding to Target, I was in front of Jc and he was in back of me, "Jc you're so slow" I tell him going faster

-Jcs P.O.V-

I actually was going slow on purpose, I pulled out my phone to snapchat video of Jenn penny boarding, I posted it and wrote 'so 2013', I speed up and pass Jenn, "am I still slow" I ask smirking, "oh it's on" she said going faster, we raced each other until we finally made it, "I winnnnn!" I say out of breath, "my legs hurtttt" she says whining as we enter, "loserrrrr" I say heading to the snacks, she gets one of those pool noodle things and hits me, "Jenn watch it" I say laughing yanking it out of her hand, "Jenn hurry up" I tell her noticing her slowing down with a confused look on her face, I turn my head to see what she's looking at, Andrea? I go up to Andrea and tap on her shoulder.

-Jenns P.O.V-

I slow down as we walk when I notice someone oddly familiar, is that who I think it is? nononono it can't be, it's Andrea, my stomach turns into knots, Jc walks up to her and taps her shoulder, I mentally face palm myself when she looks towards our direction, "hey Jc" I hear her say, I walk by Jcs side and she stares at me coldly, "and Jenn" she says rolling her eyes, "hi" Jc says cautiously noticing the tension, "hi" I say quietly, "you guys are friends again?" she asks annoyed, "ya why" Jc says confused, "ugh nothin, whatever" she rudely says leaving, "damn what was that all about, aren't y'all friends" Jc asked, I look down, "no so lets just get the snacks" I say running towards the snack area, ughhhhh my day feels completely ruined.

-Andreas P.O.V-

I rush out of Target and get into the car to start heading to the mall, I applied for a makeup Job there and I'm supposed to start today, I can't believe I ran into Jenn with Jc, this definitely ruined my mood. I parked into the employe parking lot in front of the mall entrance, I walk out passing by many cars but one specifically caught my attention, no way, it can't be, I mean she does work in the makeup industry too but it can't possibly be her car, whatever, I just shake it off and walk inside. I walk all the way to where I'm supposed to be working and as soon as I get closer and notice the oddly familiar face I stop dead in my tracks, Lauren works here?!, so that was her car oh my gawd,oh no should I just turn back, no I'm just gonna go, as I get closer she looks up and notices me, "what are you doing here?" she asks with a shocked expression, "I'm here to work" I tell her with an attitude and get my stuff ready to begin since I trained yesterday, I can't believe I'm gonna have to work in the same place as her, how fucken lucky am I.

-Jenns P.O.V-

"I wish I could've seen and caught it on camera" Jc said cracking up, we were on the roof devouring the snacks we bought, we've been on here for like two hours already and it's perfect, it feels like back in the days, like every things back to normal, "Jc it's not funny" I say pretending to be sad, "yes it is" he said, I look away from him so he won't see how close I am to dying of laughter, I suck it in and say, "I hate you" then I get up and start getting off the roof, I don't see him behind me so I start laughing, I get back up on the roof to check if he was there but he wasn't...."Jc" I shouted, no response, I get back down and right as I walk in the house I get thrown over a shoulder, "Jc put me down" I say laughing while hitting his back, he runs out to the backyard and he still is holding me but, by the pool. I'm screwed. "Jc you better not" I say still laughing, "do you still hate me" he says laughing, "yes" I say but he loosens his grip, "Jc, Jc I don't I'm just playing" I say grabbing on to him, "I don't know if I should believe you" he says, "Jc I can't swim and my phone is in my pocket" I tell him, he puts me down and right when he took my phone out of my pocket and threw it on the grass I push him in the pool, I sware to god it was the funniest thing ever, "JENN" Jc screamed getting out the water, "don't mess with me ever Jc" I tell him laughing, I pick up my phone and notice the time, "I have to go Jc, byeee thank you for today it was fun" I tell him going to give him a hug but stop when I remember that he's all wet, "Bye Jenn but give me a hug" he says laughing, "no thanks" I say chuckling and get out the house, I finally make it to my apartment feeling urgent and impatient to tell Lauren what happened at Target.

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