pt.20~>Happily Ever After Or Nahh

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**HEAR THE SONG marry you~ by Bruno Mars FOR THIS CHAPTER**

-Jenns P.O.V-

It's 2 years later and here I am trying to calm myself 'Jenn calm down, you've been waiting for this day forever, and don't cry yet plz, Andrea and Lauren barely finished doing your makeup' I tell myself getting teary eyed looking at the mirror, I hear gasps from behind me and I turn to see all the girls, "Jenn you look so beautiful" "nope i can't cry right now""omgggg", they all say which gets me more excited and emotional, "Jenn no don't cry your makeup" my mom says hugging me, I hug all the other girls and fan my hands over my eyes, "you girls look stunning" I say with complete aw, the pink brides maid dresses look so beautiful on them, "except for me, this baby bump is just" Andrea says but doesn't finish and just rubs her stomach, "thank god I gave birth to Emily two years ago" Lauren tells her giggling, "where is Emily?" I ask. Just as she was about to answer the door swung open with my dad walking in, "it's showtime ladies" he says, I breath faster and the girls notice, "congrats Jenn" they say and get out the door, I peek and hear the traditional wedding music come on, and oh ya I'm getting married and I'm more nervous than ever, any guesses to who I'm getting married with, if you guess Jc you're wrong. I see the girls one by one walk down the aisle as their dresses flow beautifully, "lets go princess" my dad says as he loops my arm into his. I can't believe this, everyone stands up as they see me and my eye quickly waters when I see him. the love of my life, Jc Caylen, ya hahaha jk why would I get married to anyone else. I look around and see everyone wiping their tears which only makes me want to cry more.

-Jcs P.O.V-

I was breathless, she looked absolutely beautiful and this all felt like a dream, I was getting married to the girl of my dreams. A few tears slipt out of my eyes as she stood in front of me, she was also crying and ugh this was so unreal, I wiped her tears and held both her hands, "is this a joke" she says in a low voice sniffling, "no it's real baby" I say chuckling, I look around to see all our friends and family crying a river, it was now time for the vows and by the end of it we were completely dazed by each other, I slipped the ring in Jenns finger and she slipped a ring in my finger, "Jc Caylen do you take Jenn Mcallister as your lovely wedded wife" " I do" I say, "Jenn Mcallister do you take Jc Caylen as your lovely wedded husband" "I do" she says "then you may now kiss the bride" the wedding officiant says and we both blush and giggle, we both lean in and our lips connect making this even more magical, we hear cheers coming from everywhere, "Jc we are officially married" Jenn says with a huge smile, "I love you so much" I tell her, "I love you too" she says and grabs my hand as we walk down the aisle, "you look absolutely gorgeous it actually made me tear up" I confess to her, "dork" she says giggling and stops walking, "you look extremely handsome I kinda just want to tear your clothes off right now" she says but turns red immediately, "slow down there tiger but our honeymoon is next week" I tell her smiling like a goof, "you make me so happy""you make my world complete"

-Andreas P.O.V-

I can't stop crying and neither can the girls, everyone was walking to the venue where the party was gonna take place and it's in this most stunning garden, "I'm so happy for them" Lauren says, "honestly Im so happy they stood together and did you see how lost they were in each others eyes" Ricky says, "they're gonna last long, I know it" Connor says, Kian comes behind me and rubs my tummy, "well lets go party, Jcpenny partyyyy" Trevor says, we all laugh and and walk, and did I mention how beautiful these dresses are and Jenn looked like a princess

-Laurens P.O.V-

It was beautiful and amazing how much love these two have for each other, everyone was silent mesmerized by this beautiful couples slow dance, you could see them lost in each others presence, it brought out a spark in me, they make love look so fun and magical, these two are made for each other, there's no doubt about it --------

-Jenns P.O.V-

The wedding finished a couple of hours ago and right now Jc and I were getting down and dirty, hahaha not like that you silly gooses, I mean we're making a fort and that takes a lot of hard work, "we are such little kids" I say with a spark in my eyes, "who cares this is so much fun and you know it" he says as we put the last pillow together, "true" I say laughing as Jc tackles me into the fort, theres a knock on the door and Jc quickly gets it, "PIZZA" I shout, "we literally just ate not so long ago" he says laughing. "Goodnight Jc" I say dozing off into his chest, "goodnight my love, my wifey, my everything", this is what I call a happily ever after.


guys this chapter was very emotional for me omf

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