part 1

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hey everyone. this is a new story i'm trying out. its not a vampire story. just a romance teen fiction. let me know if you enjoying it. thankin you!  xoxo..



I felt the wind whip through my long hair as I ran towards my car. It was biting cold even though the sun was an unforgiving, scorching hot. This was the famous city of Cape Town. The only place on the planet that had all four seasons in one agonizing day. Generally, coats, umbrellas, windbreakers and bathing suits filled the trunk of your car. I still had no idea how they predicted weather conditions here. It was nearly impossible! I chuckled at the dull thought.

Besides the weird weather, Cape Town was a picturesque city along the coastal line of South Africa. As I weaved through the early morning traffic, I took it all in. the lush greenery and enormous mountains co-existed with tall buildings and factories, sharing the cape skyline. The ocean was an aqua blue and the sea sand a stunning white gold. I absolutely could not wait to dig my toes into that. This was the dream!

For as long as I can remember, I had wanted nothing more than to live in a city with a beach, a buzzing night life and a crazy amount of shopping centres. And even though there were probably a thousand places I could go to, this place was ideal for me.

I moved down here last summer, when the semester began. I was studying psychology at UCT and just having a kick ass time, even though I shared my apartment with Ian, my gay husband. He came in handy at times, when I needed advice or a shoulder to cry on, but most of the time he was just a typical pain in the ass. His shit was always laying around and being the control/neat freak that I am, I couldn’t handle it. I mean he was gay for heavens sake! Weren’t gay guys supposed to be like clean and stuff? I was constantly on his case, nagging and bugging him to keep the place clean. But maybe if he listened first time round, there wouldn’t be a need for any of that. I was just flippin grateful that I barely ever had to enter his room and thank God we didn’t share a bathroom. I would’ve went bananas buy now. I chuckled softly looking sideways at him and remembered how the morning had gone…


“Ian! We going to be late! And you didn’t put the milk away!”, I yelled frustratingly.

“yes Giselle that’s probably because its finished!”, he yelled back.

“and please just chill out and calm down. I’m almost done.”

“you’ve been in there for an hour now! How long does it take to gel your hair. And put the carton in the trash if its finished. And remember to buy more.”, I said as he walked out of the room, looking like a freakin supermodel. He had on a pair of black skinnies with a purple t-shirt that hugged his abs and matching purple sneakers that came to his ankles. A purple and black check scarf was neatly tied around his neck, not a hair out of place.

“zee, sweetheart. You really need to take a breather you know. The world won’t come to an end if there are couple of things out of place,” he said, walking over and messing up my already messed up hair. I reached over and tried doing the same to him but he just caught both my hands neatly in one of his and gritted his teeth.

“zee, by any chance, do you have a death wish?”

I laughed and handed him his bag. “if you don’t get your butt outa here right now, you the one that’s gonna wish you were dead.


I pulled up at the robot and looked at Ian. He sat there texting, grinning like an idiot at the phone.

“how’s Aiden doing?”

“his good. Nothing new.”

“oh c’mon! you know when I ask how’s Aiden doing I mean the two of you? Any progress in that relationship?”

“not that its any of your business but its going great. Well actually better than that. Fantastic. We’re going to the movies Friday night.”

“ aww you don‘t have to say it like that. You know I just care”

“you’ve been against this relationship from the beginning zee. If you cared you would be happy for us and not be a complete a-hole in front of him.”

“Ian didn’t I always support every single one of your relationships? It’s just that Aiden has a reputation of being a player and I just don’t trust him with your heart. I love you too much to see you get hurt.”

“and I appreciate that zee, I really do, but his changed. and I would like it very much if you just made a little effort getting to know him before judging him. And you know your opinion matters most to me.”

“oh okay. Maybe we could invite him to dinner tonight. for you.”

"spankin you!" he grinned and leaned over in his seat to kiss me. "love you baby doll."

"lovin you too." i laughed.

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