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Arch, Ellie and Hugh stood looking up at the pole. At first Arch hadn't believed, but now it was right in his face. All dark and gruesome.

"Okay, so you were right about that, but where's the wolf?"

Hugh quickly craned his neck behind the pole.
He shrugged. "This is where I last saw it. But I guess it left."

"And was it alone?" Arch asked.

Hugh pondered about it for awhile and then replied.
"I couldn't really tell, I was too busy focusing on how it was about to eat me."

Ellie leaned in to Arch and whispered,
"Come on Arch, let's get out of here. This kid's a nut job,"

Arch tried to shove off Ellie's words, but he couldn't help it being true. It was the only reason left.

"Hugh, if I can't even see the wolf, then there's nothing I can really do about it, sorry. Come on Ellie,"

Arch and Ellie turned away from Hugh and walked back down the descending road. But halfway down their journey, they had accidentally bumped into a girl.

Arch didn't recognize her, but Ellie did.


Arch turned at Ellie surprisingly.
"You know her?"

"She was in one of my eighth grade classes."

Ellie turned back to Bonnie.
"What are you doing here?"

Bonnie didn't even seem like she was paying attention. All she can do was pant and pant as if she's just run a mile.

"What is it?" Arch asked.

Bonnie stopped panting and then gasped.
"Amy, Amy. Please, Amy."

"What about Amy?" Arch quizzed.

"Trouble." Bonnie gasped.

Hugh came running up to them.
"What's going on?"

"Amy is in trouble," Ellie replied.

Arch turned to Bonnie in an urgent manner.
"Do you know where the church is?"

"Yeah," Bonnie said, now regaining her words. "I can take you there."

"Let's go then."

Arch, Ellie, Bonnie, and Hugh had been running and running and running all the way until they stopped by the sign that was supposed to read "Remirda Town Baptist Church" but was now replaced with "Remirda Town Bible Camp" in bright random colors.
The building however seemed to glow gloriously in bright yellow light.
Maybe it had been the night or maybe it was the window, nobody knew.

By the entrance of the church, Arch could see a frightened Amy with a bunch of toddlers cowered behind her. And this was all because a humongous black figured beast was positioned in front of them. Beside the wolf was a snake and Crow.

"Get out of my way faggots. I told you once, I'm not going to tell you again," the wolf gritted.

Amy, who was already frightened enough, didn't say anything. She had seen Arch, and she didn't want to blow her cover.

"I said move it bitch!" The wolf growled.

"Hey Damich! Picking on girls isn't nice, come over here and be a real man!"

The familiar voice ringed in the wolf's head. It quickly snapped around and faced his opponent.

"Arch," the wolf grinned.

Arch had been standing down the church steps with his fist clenched. But also not wanting to show it, his knees trembling.

But on the other side, Ellie, Hugh, and Bonnie had intentionally backed away from the scene.

The snake slithered down the wolf's legs and hissed "finish him", then it slithered away.

Crow came next and said "Do what you must do Damich, this must end."

When everyone was out of the way, the space was openly clear for Damich and Arch.

The wolf pranced down the church steps and then faced Arch menacingly.

"This is going to be fun," it gruffed.

Arch smirked.
"Fun? Well then let's tango."


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