Trick Or Treat. A Jack Frost Rise Of The Guardians Fanfic (Editing)

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Ever since I can remember, I have always loved Halloween. My excitement tended to start when the leaves in the trees would change from dark greens to colourful reds, browns and oranges. I remember being a small girl, watching the old grandfather clock that proudly stood in our front room, as its long hand continued to tick, inching away to the one night of the year that had always given me such joy.

Everyone thinks that Halloween is a time for fear, for darkness. But Halloween was not always revered as a terrifying holiday. To children, Halloween is the one night a year where everyone pretends to be something different, something bigger than who they are. Halloween had always been a time of year where the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead, would become one.

Halloween is a time of celebration, a time of bonfires, parties, dressing up each year as something different, something fun and spooky. Halloween is a time of tricks and treats, pranks and pumpkin carving and of screams and shouts. It is a time of year when being afraid reminds us what it is to be truly alive. Halloween was also something else, something darker, something to be feared in. Children were not allowed to leave their homes at night during Halloween when monsters could come and snatch them away.

I remember every Halloween that I had with my family, the joy that the Halloween holiday would always bring. I would dress my little brothers every year, in a different costume that I would have spent the entire year preparing for. I would stitch together beautiful fabrics that my mother would buy in the market, and create whatever character that they wanted to be, every year. I would organise which houses to take them to and every year, would have them help me carve a turnip to appease the spirits of Halloween. Pumpkins back then, were not as readily available as you might think they are today.

Christmas, Easter, St. Patrick's day, they were great holidays too. But none of them gave me that special feeling like Halloween did. None of those holidays stood out to me, when I try to look back upon my life, as much as Halloween did.

I was sixteen when the moon first spoke to me. I remember the feeling of a strange heat on my skin, trying to understand where the pain had gone. I could still taste the smoke in the air and on my tongue, but the burning sensation that had gripped my lungs was gone. I remember how bright the moon was, how big it seemed to be then, as if it was not high up in the sky. The man in the moon spoke to me, with his soft whispering voice. I was looking around at the wreckage around me, the smouldering remains of my home, of my family, but I was not afraid. His voice was soothing, gentle, as loving as a warm embrace from a mother.

He had told me that he had chosen me to be the spirit of Halloween. It was now my responsibility to protect the children's belief in the magic and joy that makes every Halloween special. It was my holiday to protect and serve. I would have to make sure that every year, every child in the world had a happy, fun Halloween. I was to transform a holiday that had long ago been feared by all to a holiday that would be loved by children everywhere.

I had asked him why he had chosen me. I had asked him many questions, like what had happened to my family, what would happen to me. But he only answered one of my questions and left the rest unanswered. He only told me that it had been my own sacrifice that had forced his hand on his decision making. The night that he chose me, was the night that a fire had started in one of our neighbours homes, a fire that had spread from home to home, due to the close proximity of our houses. Timber cottages with thatched roofs, now piles of hot ash and burnt out ruins. It had been my love for Halloween, my love for my younger siblings that had made the man in the moon chose me, amongst other beings that night, to take over the Halloween holiday and make it special for children, every year for the rest of my immortal life.

That was over 400 years ago now. I think. Time gets harder to track when you only really come alive once every year.

"You are Hallows Eve, you are the spirit of Halloween" he had said.

He never told me about my duties. Or how I was to be the spirit of Halloween. He just left me there, in the burning ash, in the remainder of my old life. I had stared back up at the moon as if expecting him to give me any more details about my sudden new life before I could take in the scene around me. Ash covered the ground. Black remains of trees gave way to a small village. My village.

I had picked myself up then, looking for any trace of my family, any trace of anyone. But there was nothing. Just silence. I had sat in the hot ash until it cooled, watching the colour of the smoke change from black to a soft gray and then, nothing.

I didn't want to be in that village anymore. My family had survived the fire, but having to watch the grief, the true horror of the reality of their situation, had been too hard for me to live with. I could see them, but they could not see me. I had not been the only casualty of the fire. There had been other children who had not survived the fire. And although the only thing that helped me through that rough beginning into my new life as an immortal, was my family that had survived. I had not survived and it was too painful to watch them grieve me, as well as it was hard for me to watch them move on with their lives without me. They found it too painful to celebrate Halloween again because of my death and that was something I never wanted to partake in.

I decided that I would go far away from the village to fulfill my purpose. Over the years I traveled the globe, trying to bring joy and excitement to children every Halloween. And over the years, the moon began to send me creatures that help me make Halloween even more special. He had given me a team, a little gang of friends so that I wouldn't be alone. Together we would create beautiful, fun Halloweens for the children of the world, every year.

I protect children from the darkness of Halloween. Children believe in Halloween and if they are lucky, I can appear to them but only if they truly believe in me. Ever since that night that I became the spirit of Halloween, I knew that it was my job to protect and ensure all children have fun on Halloween. I gave my life for it.

Since then I have come across the big four, North being my favourite. I just think he likes having me around the elves. I tend to keep them busy while I practise my new scares and pranks. They are so fun to tease. The yetis, not so much. They are too serious and tend to take things too personally.

My name is Hally Eve, short for Hallows Eve. I've been the spirit of Halloween for many years now, bringing joy to all on Halloween night. 

Trick Or Treat. A Jack Frost Rise Of The Guardians Fanfic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now