Chapter 13

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A/N: Happy Last Chapter!

Chapter 13 – Face Your Fear.

Jack called the wind to blow hard. He was lifted off the ground and flew high into the sky before diving down again. In one swift movement he had scooped up Cupcake again who let out a scream at the top of lungs. She had never been flying before. Not even on a plane.

Herself and Jack flew over the frozen lake and made a U – turn. They were flying back the way they came. The snow had stopped falling and was melting. It was then as Jack was flying with Cupcake that he realised that Pitch wasn't only wanting Hally's holiday.


Trish let out a whoop of joy as she shot out of the hole. She was so going to travel Bunnymund style more often. His tunnels where like giant slides. Ethan was the only one who hadn't enjoyed the experience.

They had landed in North's workshop where the Yetits and Elves where rushing from place to place with toys and with messages. A rough looking Yetits came up to North and said something in Yetit. North nodded and looked to both Trish and Ethan.

“Your friends are in the globe room. We must hurry to them”

Trish and Ethan exchanged looks and nodded, both of them trailing behind the Gaurdians as they walked to the Globe Room.


It seemed that Pitch seemed to understand Hally's plan before she could even tell the children. He gave a roar of laughter. All the street lights went out with a burst. The sound of broken glass filled the air as well as a scream.

“I hate the dark!” Claude said shakily.

Another scream filled the night air.

“Spiders!” Caleb screamed.

Pitch's plan clicked in Hally's head as she realised what he was trying to do. He was trying to get as much fear as possible from them.

“Pitch no! Too much fear will kill them!” Hally screamed to the Boogyman.

Pitch turned to face her and smiled.

“Good” he said before breaking into another laugh and another scream filled the night air.

Hally felt her fists tighten as she took a deep breath. It looked like she'd have to show Pitch a piece of her mind.


“Oh thank god” Anne said as she rushed to Ethan and Trish, her leg falling off in the process. “Oops” she said as she bent to retrieve it.

“We thought you two were goners!” Rufus said as he embraced Trish's leg.

Trish and Ethan exchanged looks. Rufus was never so touchy touchy with anybody.

“Settle down now lads we have a plan to discuss” Bunnymund said as the rest of the Halloween helpers embraced, happy to see nobody was hurt.

The room became silent as everyone's eyes went to Bunnymund.

“North's the one with the plan” he said as he pointed to North.

North smiled. “You seemed to have taken the lead Bunny why don't you start?”

Bunnymund sighed and with his usual scowl on his face turned to the helpers.

“Pitch is back as you all know but what you don't know is why. He is back for revenage agaisnt Jack. He had been targetting Hally because he wants more power. But now because Jack and Hally have become.. Involved together he wants to destroy her. Your job is to make sure that doesn't happen”

“So what exactually is the plan?” Nathan asked.

Bunnymund smiled darkly as he walked up to the young werewolf.


Jack couldn't understand why it was so dark in the streets so soon. It only took one scream to inform him of the worst. Pitch was there, with Hally and with Jamie and his friends. Taking a swan dive down towards the screams, he could see something glowing in the darkness.

He put Cupcake down as he landed and searched for Hally. Only his friends where running through the street screaming. Jack was surprised that the parents hadn't come out to the screams.

Caleb pasted him, spiders crawling all over him.

Jack shot ice daggers at the spiders, bouncing them off.

“Caleb!” Jack said as he took the small boys arms in his hands. “Its okay. They're gone now. Its okay”

Caleb opened his eyes and searched his body. He sighed in relief.

“It was Pitch!” he started before Jack could ask. “When we came back he was here with Hally”

“Where is Hally?”

“I.. I dunno.. We were looking at Pitch and then it got dark and then I felt something crawling on me.. I.. I wanna go home” the boy sobbed.

The screams where closing in as his friends ran around trying to get away from their fears.

“Caleb go home now” Jack said as he push Caleb in the direction of his house.

“What about Claude?”

“He'll be home soon. I promise”

Jack pushed Caleb in the direction of his house again. This time the young boy ran as fast as his legs would carry him. The next person Jack saw was Pippa who was looking down at him from a street lamp.

“Jack get me down!!” she screamed as Jack flew up beside her.

“It's okay I got you” Jack said as he reached out for Pippa.

When they were on the ground again he gave her the same instructions he did Caleb. Monty was next, screaming as clown with bright red hair and sharp yellow teeth laughs at him from where Monty lay on the street.

With a harsh jab to the back with his staff the clown was frozen.

“Monty are you okay?” Jack asked as he picked up the young boy.

Monty shook with fear, his eyes widdened as he concentrated on something behind Jack. He opened his mouth and screamed again. Jack turned around to the sight. Hally's Halloween Helpers and the Gaurdians where standing in the middle of the street. Jack told Monty what he had told Pippa and Caleb. As Monty ran home he flew over to the help.

“I am so glad to see you guys” he said as he met them.

“Where is Hally?” North asked as he scanned the street.

With a flick of his fingers the street lights fixed themselves again and soon the light was filling the street. Claude had stopped screaming and sighed before running past everyone and making it to his home.

“Two to go” Jack said. “Pitch has them facing their worst fears”

“We'll deal with it” Trish said as she spotted Sophie running into the woods. “Come on Nathan I'll race ya” with that she turned into a bat in a poof of pink smoke and flew to the woods, Nathan howling behind her as he made chase.

“Jack where's Hally mate?” Bunnymund repeated the question.

“I don't know. I cam back to find the rest of the kids here facing their fears. They don't know where she is”

“Think Jack.. Hally and Pitch are together. Where would he have taken her? She would be weak with loosing hope in her hoilday still” Rufus spoke as he hit his club off the cement street.

“I.. I don't know.. I can't think..” Jack stuttered as he racked his brains out trying to figure out any place that she had told him about before.

“Think about it now. What is Hally afraid of the most?” Tooth said.

Afraid of the most? He thought to himself. Hally isn't afraid of anythi-

“Fire” he said as he searched the sky.

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