Chapter 12

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A/N: This might be the last chapter. I think it might be.

Chapter 12 – Disappear.

After the wall had been broken down and Ethan and Trish were saved, Trish realised where they were.

"He really had thought about hiding us didn't he?" she said as she scanned the roof of the tunnel, beneath her feet where metal and wooden tracks, all rotted or rusted away.

"He really did.. This route way of the trains around here is very old and has been closed down awhile now. Nobody would ever come down here" Tooth said as together the four Gaurdians and the two Halloween Helpers followed the tracks out.

"Wait.." North said as he put his hand up to stop them.

Everyone looked up to the Russian Santa, waiting for an explanation.

"Bunny it looks like we take your route way back to Hally and Jack" he said looking down at Bunnymund.

"His route? What's his route?" Ethan asked.

Bunnymund tapped the ground with his foot and a hole appeared in the ground of the train tunnel.

"I'm not going through there!" Both helpers exclaimed as they watched Tooth and Sandy jump through.

"We have no magic snow globes left, this is only way out. Do you want to face them?" North said as he pointed behind the helpers.

North jumped through the hole while the two turned around. The tunnel was dark where they were but glowing gold eyes glowed in the darkness some distance away.

"Out of my way!" Ethan exclaimed as he pushed past Trish and dove into the hole.

"And he calls himself a Halloween Helper" Trish said as she followed after Bunnymund in the dark hole.


"Cupcake!" Jack shouted as he caught a glimpse of the young girl standing, shaking in fear in the middle of the snowy field.

Jamie had run out before him before he could pull him back.

"Jamie no!" Jack said as he called on the wind to push Jamie back.

The wind was sharp and strong and pushed Jamie too far back into a pile of snow. Wait.. snow?

Jack looked up at the sky as snow began to fall. He held out his hand and felt the cold snow sit in his palm. He hadn't made it snow so why was it snowing? It was too soon for it to start snowing.

"Jack why is it snowing?" Claude asked as him and his friends looked up at the snow falling from the night sky.

"I don't know" He replied. Then a sudden thought came to his mind. "Pitch must be messing with the elements. Quick you guys go back to Hally, I'll save Cupcake"

"I'll do it Jack" Jamie said as he tried to walk past Jack.

Jack put an icy hand on Jamie's shoulder, pulling him away from the overlayer of snow. But he wasn't quick enough as Jamie put his foot on the thin layer of snow. A crack appeared and stopped halfway to Cupcake.

"It's the lake Jamie. It's not snow. It's too dangerous for you. I'll go. Just go back to Hally"

Jamie looked up into Jack's dark blue eyes in fear and shock. He nodded to his best friend and then turned to the others who fled. Jack called out to Cupcake telling her everything would be okay and just to wait. Jack couldn't help but think of his sister. This time it would be different. Nobody would die this time.


The talking was wearing down fast as Hally ran out of things to threaten Pitch with. He had sensed that she was stalling and he smiled at the idea of someone coming to help her. He didn't mind the stalling though, it gave him time to tease her. He loved the way she twinced at his words.

"It really just goes to show.. to protect your hoilday you need the help of the Gaurdians. Can't you take me on yourself Hally?"

With every word he spoke Hally had felt an anger burn bright inside her. She knew not to attack him. She had no training in physical contact at all. She was a Halloween spirit for christs sake. She gave out candy and made sure the kids had fun at Halloween. She had never been in a physical fight in her life.

"Do you have any powers at all Hally? Well besides changing your clothes" Pitch laughed.

Hally grinded her teeth before stopping. Her magic! Was it enough to stop Pitch though? She tried to scan behind and around him for anything she could use to her advantage. Nothing. The sound of rushed feet and broken branches came from the woods on the other side of the street she and Pitch where standing on. To her relief Jamie and his friends came back. Her relief didn't last long when Hally realised that Jack or Cupcake wasn't with them. The kids all watched Pitch, fear in their eyes.

Hally turned her attention to Pitch who seemed to have changed some since the children had arrived. His grey skin seemed to glow lightly. Almost unnoticeable to people but not Hally. Not when she had been staring at him for what seemed like hours.

It's the fear. It's making him powerful.

An idea suddenly came to Hally's head. No fear no power. It was so obvious! Hadn't Jack destroyed Pitch that way before? By using fear agaisnt Pitch?

Hally smiled as a plan formed in her head. She turned to the children and smiled.

"Hey guys" she called. "Wanna play a game?"

A/N: Okay so the next chapter will be the last. I had planned for this to be the last chapter but I have alot of work ahead of me today. I have six projects due tomorrow. I won't be writing any other fanfic until I have finished this one I promise :)

Perri x

Trick Or Treat. A Jack Frost Rise Of The Guardians Fanfic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now