Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven.

Taking one last walk down the street I sighed heavily. Everyone I passed, without their noticing, looked so excited for tonight. I couldn't even join their plans or their squeals of excitement at the thought of the candy they would collect or parties to go to.

I'd changed from my sunny outfit to light green coloured skinny jeans, brown shoes and a dark green jumper that clung to my arms and flat stomach. The weather had become a lot colder and the dark grey clouds showed signs of heavy rains to come.

What was the point of saving my holiday? There was no time. The skeletons had no routine, the pumpkins held no light. To me everything was falling apart just like most of the decorations that where hung up on the houses.

My hands in my jeans pockets I lower my head, ashamed at myself for letting my holiday go to ruins.

"There you are!!" A tiny squeaky voice called as heavy bare feet plodded the street from behind me and drawing closer.

Ugh. I'd forgotten about my Halloween helpers. The usual bunch who I gave orders to to help organise Halloween. I haven't heard from them since last September. What? Did you expect one spirit to Halloween on their own? I think I proved with my holiday in the dirt that I am no Jack Frost.

"Rufus" I acknowledge him. "You've heard?"

"What that Halloween is in the gutter? Of course I heard. We all heard" Rufus sighed. "Everyone's been abit worried since the whole Pitch thing with Jack Frost alittle while back.. you know.. before they made him a Guardian"

"I know" I say without looking up as we continue to walk down the street.

The whole reason I haven't had all the jobs done was because of lack of help. My whole Halloween crew didn't want to get into anything that might led Pitch to coming after us. Pitch's sudden appearance last year with Jack really frightened a lot of spirits of holidays. I suppose we've all been abit worried.

Rufus was a small troll with tight grey skin, black moulding teeth, large grey eyes and nasty black covered fingernails. He wore a brown sack for clothing tied at the waist with string. He carried a large club that gave an awful bashing.

I stopped walking as we neared the end of the street. I caught my reflection in Rufus's bald head.

"Look Rufus what do you want?" I ask avoiding his eye.

"Halloween back. We can't do much without you Hally. Your magic is the only thing that helps this come to life. If you don't start picking up the pieces Halloween is as good as cancelled and Halloween hasn't been cancelled since.."

"Sorry Rufus" I say with a long sigh. "There's not going to be a Halloween this year" I said sadly before turning and walking away.


Rufus watched in complete shock as Hally walked away. Her long brown hair tied back in a high ponytail that bounced with her every move.

Rufus turned around to a sudden swooshing sound behind him. He sighed as he looked up to the fading form of Maxie. Her long white dress hovering a few feet off the ground.

Maxie had big white eyes with no pupils and long white hair that reached the end of her back in a sweeping motion. With glowing white skin Maxie was see through and never talked. When she communicated she used a variety of moans and using her eyes and hand gestures.

Maxine pointed to Hally's form now floating high in the sky.

"She doesn't care anymore Maxie" Rufus said to the ghost girl as he walked passed her."Halloween's doomed"

Together the two, Rufus plodding and Maxie floating, made their way back to the park to which the rest of their group where.

There was Nathan who was a Werewolf that howled at midnight and also did most of the heavy lifting. Anne was the school girl zombie who usually spent her time helping with new pranks and map making. Trish was the vampire that was in charge of costumes while Ethan was the Mummy who provided comedy and help with decorations.

"Well?" Nathan asked gruffly as Rufus and Maxie came closer to them.

Maxie shook her head and floated just beside Trish who was holding a goblet of fresh goats blood.

"She couldn't of just given' up on Halloween! It's her holiday!" Anne said as her arm fell to the ground. "Oops" she said as she bent to retrieve it.

"We have to do something" Ethan said. "She can't just ditch Halloween. It's her holiday. She realises that she'll loose all her powers right?"

"We have to knock some sense into her..." Trish said as she folded her arms. "We've already tried talking to her.. is there anyone else who can help?"

The group looked to each other and sighed.

"Wait!" Cried out Anne. "I have a plan! We'll go about our jobs as normal"

"But Hally's the one with the magic Genius" Nathan said gruffly as he rolled his yellow eyes.

"Oh yeah.. I forgot" Anne said looking down at her feet.

Rufus bit his lip as he watched the sun in the sky.

"We don't have much time" he squeaked. "Maybe we could use outside help?"

"Outside help? Like the Guardians?" Ethan asked raising an eyebrow.

"Worth a shot" Trish nodded along with Maxie. "Me and Maxie will go. Were quickest by flight"

"No" Rufus decided, as second in command the group of used to his bossy power. "Trish you go. The rest of us will try and keep Halloween going"

The group nodded in agreement. Trish took a leap up into the grey sky and turned into a bat quickly taking flight.

"Do you think she'll make it in time?" Anne asked Rufus as they watched her go.

"Let's hope" he replied as he looked to the rest of the group. "All right you four we got.."

Rufus's voice was drown out by a sudden loud shriek that filled the air. The sky had sudddenly darkened and become colder. Wild winds started up and a loud cold laugh filled their ears.

"Well well well.. looks like I've my work cut out for me" A cold voice said as black sand poured from the heavens.

Trick Or Treat. A Jack Frost Rise Of The Guardians Fanfic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now