Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 - I'm Not Afraid Anymore.

Before Pitch could get up from the dirt two of North's yettis got out of the sleigh as it landed. They grabbed the powerless Boogeyman and picked him up from the dirt. While they were holding Pitch, the rest of the Guardians got out of the sleigh along with Hally's Halloween Helpers.

"Hally!" Anne exclaimed as she spotted her friend in the air with the winter spirit.

"Hey Anne" Hally called and gave a small wave. "Thanks for the save"

"It was all Jack really"

Jack lowered himself and Hally to the ground. Once there feet had toutched the ground Hally escaped from Jacks hold and ran to her Halloween Helpers. The first person she met was Nathan who held his arms out to her. She hugged him tightly and laughed.

"You guys have no idea how worried I was about you" she confessed into Nathan's fur.

"Same here!" Trish said as she changed back to her more human form. "If Jack hadn't of saved you you could have died and we'd all be at Pitches mercy"

"Thanks.. thanks for the sum up Trish" Ethan said slightly disturbed.

Embracing Maxie, Hally laughed at Ethan and Trish sending glares at each other.

"Look guys I'm really sorry for going AWOL on Halloween. I guess the whole Pitch thing got to my head. It really shouldn't of. I'm sorry. Thanks for taking care of Halloween"

"You did most of it Hally. We just prepared your stage" Trish said as she reached out for Hally and hugging her tightly.

"What does she mean?" Tooth asked confused.

"It's Trish" Ethan said as he rolled his eyes. "Nobody knows what she means. She doesn't make any sense"

"Ooh? This coming from the Mummy afraid of the dark?" Trish retorted as she pulled away from Hally and sending Ethan another glare.

"Is there something going on between them?" Jack whispered in his ear as she went back to stand beside him.

"Sexual tenison" Hally whispered while Jack laughed and nodded.

"May we please get back to Pitch?" North asked as he gestured to the Boogyman under the firm grip of the Yetis.

Hally gestured to Ethan and Trish to zip it and looked back to North. Everyone fell silent as they all stared at an exhausted Pitch.

"For trying to take over Hally's hoilday the Gaurdians decided that Pitch Black should be banned from ever returning to Burgess and to never try and take over any other spirits hoilday" Tooth decided.

"I agree" North said as Sandy nodded.

He looked to Bunnymund and to Jack who both nodded.

"Is this okay with you Hally?" North asked her as he looked to her with kind eyes.

Hally looked back to Pitch who held his head down. She didn't know what to do. She wasn't one for voilence. Not really.

"It seems fair enough but I have one little input"

Hally stepped forward, breaking away from the circle of her friend's safety and stood before Pitch Black.

"If you break any of these promises I swear that I'll do everything in my power to lock you away in a room with your own fear"

Pitch threw his head back and laughed.

"I am the master of fear, I have to fear!"

"That may be true but you are still a person and every person has a fear no matter how big or small and you Pitch have a fear much like the rest of us and believe me when I say I'm the master of Halloween. I know alot of things and can do alot of things that would make your skin crawl. Cause thats what I do Pitch. I don't just do the whole Trick or Treat things for the kids. I do other things too. Things you don't know about. Just beware next time you think about stealing some elses hoilday.. got it?" Hally said smiling wickedly.

Trick Or Treat. A Jack Frost Rise Of The Guardians Fanfic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now