Chapter Six

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Chapter Six.

Hally had awoken to aches in her joints and legs. She found herself laying on her back, looking up at the ceiling of an iron cage. It appeared to be something like a giant birdcage with iron rods surrounding her. There was nothing in the cage except for herself. She metal was cool against the exposed skin of her lower back and her exposed arms. She listened to the other cages around her rattling in the light wind that was coming from somewhere. There was the wind as well as dim sunlight streaming down from the top of the cages. She couldn't understand where she was or how she had gotten there. She didn't know how long she had been laying there unconscious or conscious.

She was worried. She was trying to figure out how much time had past since she had been put in the cage by Pitch? Had she missed Halloween? When she had been arguing with Jack in the clearing, before Pitch had taken her and put her in one of the birdcages, it had been two days before Halloween. Had that been his plan? Lock her away until her holiday was finished?

"Enjoying the view birdie?" Pitch's voice suddenly reverberated around the cage, causing the cage to shake slightly.

Hally sat up quickly, ignoring the small aches in her bones she looked frantically around. Where was he? Why had he not shown himself until now?

"As much as you'll enjoy my fist in your face" she called out as she continued to search for him around the cage.

His laughter was the only thing that she could hear, above the rattling of the cage as well as the surrounding cages.

"You can't scare me Pitch!" she yelled out as she suddenly caught a glimpse of his shadow appearing at the bottom of the cage.

His shadow began to rise from the ground until it formed his dark figure. His glowing eyes were full of greed and malice. He looked down at her with a sly smirk on his face, exposing his crooked, greying teeth.

"Are you too stupid to notice it Hally?" he said.

Suddenly his dark face was inches away from her own. She could smell his foul breath as he began to speak again. "I may not be able to scare you but I can scare them" he continued in a low whisper.

"Who?" she asked him, confused slightly as she tried to hide the knots that were sneaking around in the pit of her stomach.

Her question was a reaction. She already knew the answer. She knew he was talking about Jamie and his friends, Jack, and the other guardians. She was hoping that he would say something else. But what else could he say when she already knew the truth?

"Your believers" he said as his sly smile stretched wider on his face.

She looked into his strange grey, orange eyes, trying to protect her emotions and not to show any fear. But she knew that it would be too late. Pitch would already know she was afraid. He would be able to smell it coming off her in waves. He was enjoying his moment, finally looking up at him, seemingly powerless. It had been in that moment when she had been trying to understand her emotions with Jack, trying to understand what she was feeling when she had let her guard down against Pitch. Her confusion, her emotions, had made her weak. She had been unable to keep up the protective shield that guarded her against Pitch being able to do her any more harm than throwing her against a tree.

The cages around them began to rattle more. Pitch raised his arms and laughed loudly. Dark chains rose up from the shadows and latched onto her wrists and ankles. The chains tightened around her wrists and ankles and pulled hard on her joints. She grunted in pain as she tried to resist the pull of the chains, but her movements made the chains dig deeper into her skin. She stopped pulling on the chains, realising it was no use.

Trick Or Treat. A Jack Frost Rise Of The Guardians Fanfic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now