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Authors Note:

Hi Guys!

I'm writing this little Authors Note at ten to midnight to bring you some maybe good and maybe bad news..

So maybe you know and maybe you don't but I have a lot of fanfictions on Wattpad and a book dedicated to my new work that I will be starting on. Anyway to decide which books I would write first and update (I'm doing it by chapters so I can get everything done quicker) and I finally picked out one of my works that I added to my book “Fanfictions You Want Me To Write”

If you have no idea what I'm talking about go check it out after this note.

Well I have decided to do a Paranorman fanfiction. Maybe some of you know the movie and maybe some of you don't. Well the title to my Paranorman fanfiction is “The Halloween Curse”

Today was also the day I was editing and rewriting this fanfic (I'll get to that soon) so it was still in my mind. When I went back to Paranorman I realised the name and laughed and said to myself “Halloween curse, Hally is the spirit of Halloween, I wonder how she'd feel about that”

And then Ladies and Gents(?) I had a brain wave. Stay with me now.

What if.. I wrote... A SEQUEL... To Trick or Treat... but made it a Paranorman and Rise of The Gaurdians crossover?

I decided that before I start writing it I would take it up with you guys, who love this book or maybe like it. I wanted to know what you guys thought. Tell me in comments below or PM me if you want :)

Now I want to talk to you about editing. I will be editing and rewriting this book.

Now before you freak out!

The plot line is the same, the characters are the same, Hally is the same, everything happens the same way!

Except.. maybe the first chapter is changed a lot...

Remember how (I don't even rememeber) Hally died? Well its more or less the same. She still dies in the same way, she still becomes the spirit of Halloween but the only real different thing is how Paddy got caught up in the fire. Instead of losing him, he runs into it trying to figure out what is was. (That sounds terrible.. I know..) But if you guys want me to keep the start the same just let me know. I wont be adding or taking away anything with out telling you guys first alright? I promise.

But I will be correcting all my spelling mistakes! That is a BIG thing to do. Because I was rereading this fanfiction to get the feel of Hally again and realized some of the spelling mistakes were really bad and so embarrassing.. like guys I was so surprised I didn't get comments like “WTF THE SPELLING IS GOD AWFUL. DID YOU EVEN GO TO SCHOOL?”

Guys.. I seriously can't stress out how bad the spelling is xD But anyway thats it.

If you want to speak to me you can PM me or leave a comment.

If you have any questions you can PM me or leave a comment.

If you a read for a read PM me or leave a comment.

If you want advise PM me.

If you want to do a shout out for a shout out PM me.

Thanks for reading this Authors note. If you got this far you are a true fan and follower and I love you very much :) And as always.. I'm sorry for my spelling. I have no spell check because I have no Microsoft...

Trick Or Treat. A Jack Frost Rise Of The Guardians Fanfic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now