Chapter Three

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Chapter Three:

The next day, Hally looked out the broken window of the old abandoned house and found that the snow had completely disappeared. She smiled to herself, thinking back to her encounter with the newest guardian in the woods the night before. The weather continued to brighten throughout the day, which eased the tension of all her Halloween helpers as they each raced through their own last minute jobs. Though a cold chill still hung in the air, Hally was happy with the change in the weather.

Hally had spent most of the morning, teaching her dancing skeletons the Harlem shake. It had become popular amongst the young people of this generation and Hally had been finding it hard for the skeletons to adjust to the moves.

She used her hands to levitate them off the ground. She could feel the magic that she poured into them. The joy of Halloween vibrating off their little bones as they tried to keep up with the beat of the music. The skeleton men stood about three feet tall and could only levitate two inches off the ground.

"Ready lads?" She asked them as she smirked to herself, getting ready to start the music again. "And a... one and a two and a..."

"Three" a dark whisper circled around her as a harsh wind seemed to whip the house, sending vibrations across the foundation of the house and causing things to fall off the walls and break. The wind was ice cold, a cold that even she could feel and the strange prick of fear seemed to bite into her heart.

The skeletons were instantly blown away, the wind severing her connection to them and now they blew helplessly in the wind, out of her reach and crashing into a nearby tree. Their little skeleton bones scattered across the forest floor, mixing with piles of dead leaves and puddles, the last reminder that it had snowed the previous day. Some parts of her skeleton crew, tangled themselves into branches of trees before being lost to the wind. She had gone into the woods to be alone with her skeletons, the manor was getting more and more crowded as all her helpers got more and more stressed with each passing day coming closer to Halloween.

The wind whipped harshly against her long hair, as she steadied herself from its strong gust. She could feel the coldness of the wind, its sharpness like claws on her bare legs. The orange skirts of her pumpkin dress were blowing up around her waist, causing her to curse repeatedly as she tried to hold it down. She had told Trish that the pumpkin dress had been too short. Finally, the harsh winds ceased. She straightened herself and found that a dark figure suddenly loomed over her. Pitch.

She had many warnings of Pitch Black by North and by other spirits that she had encountered over the years. She had even heard of how he had been taken down last year by the guardians, but she had only ever met him a handful of times. Fear and Halloween do tend to go hand in hand, but Hally could never make Halloween that way. Halloween was once a holiday of terror. Halloween used to be Pitch Black's holiday before Hally was given it by the man in the moon. He had always thrown threats her way of how one day he would take back his stolen holiday. Hally didn't think that it was stolen, more repurposed for what Halloween should be about.

"Can I help you, Pitch?" she asked him as she put a hand on her hip and sent a dirty look his way. She had straightened her dress back into place, but the glare still remained on her face as she watched him, laughing at her.

Pitch had never had any power to hurt her or other immortals. He had never had enough belief in himself to be able to do anything other than maybe draw together a harsh wind or maybe a few nightmares. But he had never had enough power before the guardians had stopped him and took all of his power away. At least, when she had last seen him, children did believe in him a little bit. But what could he possibly want? After all this time? And with nobody to believe in him?

Trick Or Treat. A Jack Frost Rise Of The Guardians Fanfic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now