Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 – Happy Halloween.

“No! I have to go and save them! They're my friends!” Hally screamed for the fifth time after hearing the news.

“Hally you must stay here. The children will stop believing and you will die if they do” North said as he patienly repeated himself.

“Hally your not doing yourself any favours mate” Bunnymund said softly.

Hally stopped struggling in Jack's grasp. She had gotten abit voilent in her wanting and begging to go and help her friends.

“But I have to go! It's my fault!” Hally yelled so loud that Jack and the other Gaurdians were worried the children would over hear her, but they were too dancing the skeleton dance along with the skeletons.

“This is what Pitch wants Hally, just stay here, you can not abandon your hoilday!” North said as he pulled up the sleigh.

Hally bit her lip. North was right. She couldn't abandon her hoilday. She'd have to let them go.

“Fine but once Halloween's over send for me. I want to take down Pitch personally” she growled as she watched them all hop into the sleigh, all but Jack.

“Will do mate” Bunnymund said. “Will do”

“Jack aren't you coming?” Tooth Fairy asked him.

Hally had completely forgotten the Winter spirit was still holding her tightly by the waist.

“No. I'll stay with Hally incase Pitch comes back to try and ruin Halloween” he said as he let go of Hally and standing by her side.

The two of them exchanged looks of comfort and remorse.

“Good idea Jack.We shall be back soon!” North said as he started his sleigh.

Both Jack and Hally watched as the sleigh went up, watched the snow globe be through into the air. The portal swirled into a rainbow of colours before the sleigh with the Gaurdians inside. Just before they had disapeared Hally swore she saw some fear on Bunnymund's face.

Turning around swiftly Hally turned around and walked back to the street, back to the laughter and light. She called to Jack from across her shoulder.

“Come on. We better make this a Halloween they'll never forget”


Trish groaned and tried opening her eyes. With her night vision she could see that she was laying down on a very hard cold floor, she could feel the iron chains around her waist, wrists and ankles. She felt too weak to move. She could also hear moans of pains and of exhaustion.

“Hello?” Trish called out, a little afraid of what or who would answer her.

All the moans seemed to be coming from behind her, but she had no energy to turn around and investigate more.

“Trish? Is that you?” A weak voice followed her own.

“Ethan! Where are you? You sound near but I can see you”

Trish could breath a breath of relief at the thought of not being alone in this dark place. At least she had Ethan nearby.

“I dunno..” the mummy replied. “I can't see in this dark but I think the others are nearby”

“Where did Pitch take you guys?” Trish asked as she tried to move herself to find his voice but she couldn't. She was so weak.

“I don't know. The last thing I remember is a big black thing and laughter.. creepy laughter. How did you end up here?”

“Same story but I managed to go to the Guardians and get their help. They'll be here soon to free us” Trish said as she rested her head and closed her heavy eyelids.

“I hope so” Ethan replied as he listened to the sound of Trish's soft breathing. “I really hope so”


Halloween was going great. The kids all had fun dancing, eating candy and playing small pratical pranks on the older neighbour hood kids with Hally and Jack's help of coarse. Although Hally couldn't agree more on Halloween's success she couldn't help but think back to her Halloween Helpers at Pitch's hands. How scared they must be. What could he be doing to them?

In Hally's mind Halloween was dragging this year. She couldn't have been happier when the clock struck midnight and she and Jack helped the children home. All she and Jack would have to do was clean up the mess and follow the Gaurdian's trail to Pitch.

As usual Jamie and his friends were the last of the children to stick around and help clean up. All complimented and thanked Hally for a great Halloween. Hally smiled back and told them she was happy they had fun but inside all she wanted to do was set out after Pitch.

She was so busy plotting ways to get back at Pitch that she didn't even notice Cupcake. Cupcake had seen something glittering gold in the dark woods and heard the whistle of a horse. Nobody else seemed to hear it. Cupcake thought it must be one of Hally's Halloween surprises and soon she disapeared into the dark wood.

The scream that was heard seemed to bring Hally back from her thoughts and drop the bits of candy wrappers she had been picking up. Jack was already calling Cupcake's name as well as Cupcake's friends.

Jack followed by Jamie and his friends ran towards the woods in an effort to save her. Hally stayed rooted to her spot. She had noticed how cold she felt now, how dark the sky was getting, how quiet the street now was. She knew without turning around that he was there. She could feel his presence.

“Hello Pitch” She called.

“Hello Hally” He called back, a twisted smile already forming on his lips.

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