13- ELounor and The Zayden Gang.

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Stretching, I sat up in not my own bed. I scratched my stomach and realised I was still naked from last night. I looked over at Zayden to see he was just waking up as well.

" Morning beautiful. " he whispered as he trailed a hand down my back. I smiled slightly dazed.

" Morning. I probably need to wear your clothes, since I don't have any. " I told him messing with my hair.

" That's fine. " he told me, standing up. It took him a minute to though since I ruined that pretty little ass of his last night.

My eyes widened.

" OH MAH LORD. " I said out loud and scared honestly. Zayden turned around looked at me strangely.

" What's wrong Li? " he asked me as he pulled on some boxers slowly and threw me some. I stood up and quickly pulled them on and grabbed the shirt and pants he threw out for me on the bed and quickly pulled them up.

" I never do that!!! " I yelled mainly to myself.

" Do what babe? " he asked sweetly as he hugged me. I felt myself melting to his touch but I pushed him away.

" I never have sex with people! I've never had sex before! I was raped but that doesn't count! " I said frantically trying to pull myself together. I cannot believe I had sex with a dude I just met yesterday!

" Liam! It's okay! I won't tell anyone okay? Just calm down. I have to introduce you to my... Friends. " he said 'friends' hesitantly. I took a deep breath then grabbed my phone and checked it.

4 New Messages.

I nodded to Zayden and sat back down on his bed to look at the messages.

From Mum:

Where are you? If you're at a new friend's then great! Text me before you go to school! .x

From Niall:

Have you figured out where you're living at yet??? Harry's been a complete wreck. Call me when you can please Li? I miss you... -Nialler.x

From Louis:

Where did you move to? Why didn't you tell me you were moving..? -Haz.x

From Niall:

Liam! Please! I need you! -Nialler.x

The last one was from this morning at like 3. I quickly texted mum where I was and then went to call Niall but Zayden started to kiss my neck.

" Z-Zayden.. Stop. " I stuttered. He removed himself and looked at me.

" You seem really stressed. " he told me and pecked my lips.

" What is this? " I asked suddenly. I wanted to know what we were honestly.

" Well, we could be friends with benefits or boyfriends? " I thought about it for a few minutes then remembered Niall needed me.

" I'll tell you later. " I said clicking Niall's contact and letting it ring. I heard shuffling then a scream then Niall say hello. " Niall? " I asked worried. I stood up and walked away from Zayden since he wouldn't stop touching me.

" L-Liam! " I could tell he was crying. And his voice made it sound like he was screaming. " GO AWAY! I just want to talk to my best friend! " he yelled.

" Niall, what's wrONG..? " I jumped as Zayden walked over to me and smacked my bum.

" Louis! He... " he stopped and started crying again.

" Zayden stop. Seriously. " I said sternly. He looked at me with a look of confusion almost. " Niall, breath. Louis what? "

" He was kissing Eleanor!!! " he cried out and I gripped the phone tighter than ever. I hated Eleanor. Have I already told you about her? Well, if I have, I'm sorry! You're hearing it again!

Eleanor hated me from the start. I don't know why but she did. At first I didn't hate her but she totally humiliated me in front of the whole town one year by photo shopping my head onto some dudes head who was giving this other guy a blowjob.

" Niall, I have to go. I'll text you after school. " I said through my teeth.

" Wait, what time is it there? " he asked, still crying.

" About 8 or so in the morning why? " I asked him as Zayden lead me out.

" It's about noon here. " he whispered. I looked at the clock in the school, which we just walked into, and counted up four hours.

" We have a four hour time difference. Listen Nialler, I gotta go okay? Zayden wants me to meet some people. Love you. Bye. " I hung up after hearing him say bye. I turned to see Zayden laughing with some people who didn't look that friendly.

" Li! You're off the phone finally! Okay! So these are my friends. " He said pulling me over to the group of badass looking people. I felt small.

" I'm Dan. " one said. He was really muscular and had a deep voice.

" I'm Jake. " the one who looked more normal like said.

" And I'm Zach. " the last one said. He seemed to be the more, shy kinda guy.

" Nice to meet you all. " I smiled slightly, trying not to show my fear. I felt a hand grab my ass and I jumped.

" Do you smoke babe? " Zayden asked, his hand still on my ass.

" No. I've never tried it and I don't really want to. " I told him truthfully and tried to get his hand off my bum.

" Oh c'mon! You gotta at least try it! " he encouraged. Dan handed him a cigarette and lit it up for him. I watched as the smoke left his mouth.

" No thanks. I'm going to class. " I said and walked away quickly before anyone could beat me up.

I hope they don't beat me up!

I walked into class thinking everything from here on out would be fine. The thing I didn't realise, was peer pressure really does get you to do stupid things.

Doesn't it?

A/N: Okay. About Eleanor. I absolutely love her! So I'm not meaning on hating on her. (: but! If I've mentioned her at all during this story, sorry to confuse you! I'm thinking of one of my other stories and she's all bitchy and stuff BAHA! Love you all (: sorry it's short!!! <3


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