4 - So Many Unanswered Questions.

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Harry's POV.

Louis left about an hour ago to go tell Niall something. I don't know what and I don't care. I'm furious with Niall. He kissed Liam! And Liam was responding! Ugh! That's not how it's supposed to be!

I was supposed to be the one to walk Liam to school. Talk to him everyday. Kiss him!

God damn... I sound like a fucking jealous teenage chick...

I sighed and ran a hand through my curls as I sat outside the school waiting for Louis to get back. He told me to wait at the school so I had no choice.

I pulled my phone out and decided to call Lou.

Liam's POV.

Louis' over. And so is Niall. They're talking about something between themselves and I don't know what it is but I keep hearing my name. When I hear my name I want to know.

I was currently sitting on my bed while the other two were standing in my bathroom. I leaned back and stared up at my ceiling, studying all the different pictures I could find on it.

I found myself drifting off to sleep until I heard Louis and Niall say they would be right back and headed downstairs. I closed my eyes and laid my arms out.

I felt something vibrate on the end of my bed and I groaned thinking it was my phone. I didn't look at it but answered it.

" Hello? "

" Louis? " I heard Harry's angelic voice fill the phone and I realized I just picked up Louis' phone.

" Oh uh... I'll go get him... " I stood up quickly and ran downstairs to hear laughing from the living room. I walked in and saw Niall laughing and Louis wiggling his eyebrows. " Louis? I accidentally picked up your phone thinking it was mine. It's Harry. " I handed him his phone and sighed.

" Sorry Haz. I'll be there in few minutes okay? " Louis said into the phone. " Love you too Harry. Always. Bye HazzaBear. " I felt jealousy hit my heart as he said that and I saw a slight smirk form on Louis' face though. Does he know that I may have a slight crush on Harry? No. I can't though right? He wouldn't ever love me and plus he is straight.

As a ruler.

Which really sucks.

" Li? " Niall said snapping his fingers in front of my face. I shook my head of my thoughts and looked at him.

" What? " I asked him and he gave me a strange look.

" You were zoned out for like ten minutes. " My eyes went wide. Woah.

" Sorry Niall... " I mumbled and he chuckled.

" No problem mate. But I have to go okay? Love you LiLi! " He said with a smile. I stood up and he hugged me tightly. I hugged him back also. He pulled away and glanced out the window to look at something and I did to and saw Harry and Louis walking. I looked at their hands and saw that they were joined together. Jealousy rang up.

They stopped in front of my house and Louis said something to Harry. I looked back at Niall and smiled weakly at him.

" Bye Lee-Yum! " He planted a big sloppy and wet kiss on my cheek just as Harry was looking through the window. I saw him tense and he pulled Louis in the other direction of my house as Niall went running after Louis. I sat back down on the couch and flipped on Toy Story.

Why did Harry tense so much? Why was he holding hands with Louis? Why am I suddenly really attracted to the most popular boy in school? Why did Niall kiss my cheek like that when Harry looked up?

Too Many Unanswered Questions!

A/N: Really short. Sorry :P ): ~Noss.xx

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