25- Hangovers and First Days Back.

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I woke up, head pounding and the fact that there was people talking loudly in the room didn't help.

"Shut the fuck up!" I yelled.

"Liam!" Mum's voice scowled.

"Just be quiet." I mumbled aggravated.

"School is today." Niall said with anger filling his voice. Great.

"Kay. Whatever. Get out." I said sitting up before standing up and pushing people out of my way and grabbing clothes for school.

Everyone got out except for Zayden, who was getting dressed in the bathroom, and Niall.

"What's your problem Liam!" He snapped.

"Nothing's my problem Niall." I said as I pulled on jeans and a shirt.

"Obviously there is because you're awfully bitchy right now." He growled. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Seriously Niall? Seriously?" I shook my head and ran a brush through my hair before walking into the bathroom, while Zayden was in there, and shutting the door behind me.

"Why hello." Zayden said with a small smile. I shook my head as I took Advil.

"Ugh. I hate it here. Can I go back with you?" I asked him as I brushed my teeth.

"Your mum wouldn't let you." He said brushing his teeth as well.

"I don't give a shit what they say. They drug me back here, when I was clearly happy there. Now Harry's in the hospital and I can't even go fucking see him!" I ranted. Zayden wrapped his arms around me.

"Just try to stay calm okay? For me?" I sighed but nodded. "Thank you. C'mon. First day back, can't miss that." He pecked my lips and looked me in the eyes.

"I wish I could."

There were people whispering about Zayden and I. I led him to the office and the girl, Linda, smiled.

"Liam! Glad to see you're back! Who is this?" She asked as she searched her computer for my name.

"Zayden Shoppe." I said back to her. I really didn't want to be left behind and put back as the loser of the school but I'm gonna run away so it doesn't matter.

"It looks like you two have all the same classes except two of them! Liam, you're in Niall's classes. All of them. And Zayden, you're in Louis Tomlinson's classes. All of them." She smiled.

"Thank you Linda." She nodded and handed us our schedule before we started towards our lockers. His locker was at the other end of the hall of mine. "Bye Z." I said to him and he hugged me and started towards his locker.

"That guy is back."

"Still a loser I bet."

"He's so ugly!"

"Did you see the new kid with him?"

"He was the hot one."


I turned around to the group of stupid preppy people behind me.

"Call me anything you want. I don't give a fuck anymore okay? I'm a loser. I'm a fag. I'm stupid. I'm a retard. I'm just an attention hog. I'm a nerd. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK." I yelled before marching down the hall to the classroom. People were staring at me.

"Liam." Niall's voice rang just as I laid my head down.

"What?!" I snapped, looking at him.

"Seriously, what's wrong with you? Ever since yesterday you've been acting like this!" Niall said raising his voice a bit.

"Yesterday?! YESTERDAY?! REALLY?! I'VE BEEN PISSED OFF AT EVERYTHING SINCE THE DAY I CAME BACK! DO YOU NOT REALISE HOW MUCH I HATE IT HERE?! I TRIED TO THINK EVERYTHING WOULD BE NORMAL AGAIN BUT IT'S NOT! HARRY'S IN THE HOSPITAL, YOU'RE ANGRY AT ME ALL THE TIME NOW, I CAN'T EVEN SEE HARRY BECAUSE YOU WON'T LET ME! I'M LOSING EVERYTHING NIALL!" Zayden came walking in and he stopped at the door. I looked at him, eyes watering from when I was just screaming at Niall, and my face was probably red. "I'm sorry Zayden."

I ran out of the room and through all of the shocked people before running into the boys bathroom and into a stall. I locked the door and slid down it and started crying. I don't know if it was more upset tears or anger tears but I was still pretty much sobbing. I heard the door open and my name was called.

"Liam?" Zayden asked. I didn't answer. "Liam, come out here." He asked in a soft voice. I bit my lip before wiping my eyes and nose and walking out of the stall. Zayden looked at me before hugging me tightly.

"I-I'm sorry... I-I couldn't b-be c-calm." I stuttered as more tears flowed.

"It's okay babe. Niall's crying too though." He whispered which only made me cry more. "He collapsed right after you told me you were sorry." I pushed him away from me.

"I'm leaving." I whispered to him, looking him in the eyes.

"What do you mean Liam?"

"I don't want to be here anymore. I want to go back. I want to be back in Indiana. Where there was no problems. I was actually liked. I'm gonna leave whether Mum likes it or not. And I will visit Harry again. Whether Niall likes it or not." I said sternly, walking out and back to the classroom.

"You know Liam, you really are an asshole." Some chick said comforting Niall.

"Yeah seriously. I mean, what the hell? He didn't do anything to you." Some dude said. I felt more tears well up as Niall just sat there silently crying.

"Thank you Niall. I'll make sure I'm out of your life. It seems to be that you want me out so I'm gonna leave okay? I'm gonna visit Harry one more time, and leave. Without a word to anyone." He looked up at me, his eyes wide. "I'll never forget my only friend. Thank you."

With that, I was running back out of the school and towards the hospital. My head was killing me but I managed to make it into the hospital and into Harry's room.

"Harry, I'm so sorry. I tried going to school today but I couldn't. I screamed at Niall and started crying. He was crying too apparently and I was the one being blamed! I'm still the loser of the school and now I'm the jerk. I left there as fast as I could as soon as I said bye to Niall. I made sure Niall knew I would be out if his li-" I was crying hard and had my eyes closed. What caught my attention was someone saying my name.

That voice, I knew too well.



Dear Harry,

Everything is done. I'm running away. And I'm gonna stay away. It just seems so much easier that way.

Why can't anything be easy?



Purple Highlighter! (; A Lirry Fanfic :DWhere stories live. Discover now