24- Yelling and Screaming.

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"I'm going in a walk!" I yelled before walking out of my house. Zayden was still sleeping and I didn't want to bother with waking him up. I had my hands in my pockets and my head down. I wanted to see Harry but whenever I would ask, no one would let me.

I looked up as I got closer to the hospital. I took a deep breath before entering. I walked up to the girl and asked if I could visit Harry, she of course said yes. I quickly made my way down the hallway and into Harry's room.

"Harry." I whispered before walking over to his body. I studied his face a if it would be the last time I saw it but I knew it wasn't. "Hi. I'm here today but no one knows. They wouldn't let me come. They as in Niall, Louis, Zayden, Mum and Louis' dad. I just missed you Haz. I wrote you a letter. I actually brought my notebook here. Niall got me it. I'm debating whether I want you the read it or not." I sighed. "I don't trust myself or this school or just this town anymore Haz. I don't want to be here. I don't want to be around anyone except for you but you're not with me. You are but not like I want."

My phone started ringing and I answered without looking, only to be greeted with yelling.

"LIAM JAMES PAYNE?! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" Niall yelled through the phone. I winced and grabbed Harry's hand although it was almost freezing.

"O-on a walk.?" I questioned.

"You're with Harry aren't you?" He almost growled. What the hell?

"So what if I am?! I can visit him any time I want!" I yelled into the phone, tears flowing.

"I told you to just write Liam!" He yelled back. He doesn't understand!

"It doesn't work Niall! I don't feel like anyone is listening to me like if I talk to Harry himself!"

"Liam, just leave the hospital." He said with a huge sigh.

"This is why I didn't want to come back..." I muttered.


"I put up a fight to come back, Niall. I hate it here. I was actually popular back in the states. I'm leaving the hospital. Bye." I hung up my phone and looked at Harry through blurry vision. "I'm gonna run away Harry. I can tell Zayden is going to break up with me because of some reason but he is. I don't like it here. I'm gonna run away." I said kissing his forehead again before taking off out of the hospital.

I bumped into someone and their arms wrapped around me. I couldn't see them correctly but their voice was familiar so I knew it was Louis.

"Liam! Where have you been? You've been gone for like an hour!" He said panicked. I felt my body shake as I pushed him away.

"I can't do anything! I went to visit Harry. Okay?" I yelled in his face. His eyes went wide in shock.

"Liam, calm down please." I didn't respond. I heard someone else yelling my name and turned around to see an angry looking Niall. I turned back around and pushed Louis out of my way before starting to run.

"LIAM!" I was caught by someone and I thrashed around screaming for them to let me go. "Liam, you can't visit Harry! We've been over th-"

"YOU HAVEN'T EVEN TOLD ME WHY!" The grip stopped and he actually looked at my face. His face softened and he attempted to pull me close to him. "Stop! I just want to go away and smoke a cigarette to get away from everything and especially EVERYONE!" I yelled. I heard someone clear their throat and I turned around from the shocked Niall to see Zayden. Standing there looking not the least bit shocked. "Zay." I whispered.

"Here." He said handing me a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. I grabbed them and hugged him.

"Thank you." I whispered before walking away from them. I lit the first cigarette and was already feeling better.

Zayden's POV.

"What the hell?" Louis asked me angrily.

"Let him at least do that! We won't let him go see his true love because of some unknown reason, he hates it here if you haven't noticed, and with you guys yelling and baby sitting him, it can get fucking stressful!" I yelled at him and Niall. I don't think they realised they were baby sitting him and shit but still. I've been like Liam is my whole life.

"He did tell me he hates it here. And we're not baby sitting him." Niall retorted.

"He was gone for five minutes and you woke me up freaking out. That's baby sitting Niall." I said trying to stay calm.

"And how would you know?" Louis butted in.

"Maybe because I was in the exact same position that Liam's in? I was constantly watched over to make sure I didn't go visit my Dad in the hospital! I still don't know the reason they didn't let me but he ended up dying and everyone else in my family was there when he did. Except for me. I know how it feels." I spat before walking the way Liam went. I wasn't gone follow him or anything I just wanted to think.

I sat down on a curb not too far away and just started thinking.

Niall knows something that no one else knows. Louis, Karen, Mark or I know why Liam can't see Harry. Niall only does.


Dear Harry,

I hate this. Niall screamed at me for visiting you again. I still don't know why I'm not allowed to. I hate these letters. They don't help at all! They seem like no one actually wants to listen to me.

I'm smoking again. I'm sorry. I'm thinking about going to get drunk in a few minutes too but I'm not sure. I just want to drink and smoke but I don't know. School is tomorrow. Yay. Can't wait for that.

I said I would run away, I found a good place. It's the place I'm at now. There's a small pond and a dock here with a small abandoned house. It'd be perfect for two people.

Maybe when I do, you'll come too?



Purple Highlighter! (; A Lirry Fanfic :DWhere stories live. Discover now