Chapter 13

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Amy got home with a huge smile on her face.

 She didn't know if she should tell anyone she was pregnant, although Mallory probably

 told everyone by now. She pulled up to the house and walked inside.

 It was dinner time so she set a place for herself.

She decided she'd tell Ty first before telling everyone else.

 "So Amy, you were gone a long time. Where were you?" asked Lou.

" I was at the clinic. Ty has two new college kids working for him since Cassandra quit because Scott doesn't own the clinic anymore, so he needs all the help he can get."

"Oh. Well you came just in time. I made your favorite. I was worried you might miss it." said Lou.

The subject was turned to Georgie when she said Olivia quit trick riding.

"Ya. She only wanted to get on the team to make me mad and jealous so now that I'm on the team, she quit." said Georgie.

"Well that's great Georgie it frees up some time with Sandra and Chaplin. Maybe you can learn a new trick?" said Amy.

"Yea Maybe." said Georgie in a sad and annoyed tone.

When dinner was over and everything was cleaned up, there was a knock at the door.

Lou opened it but didn't know who he was.

"Hi... Can I help you?" said Lou.

"Uh, yes. I'm looking for Amy Fleming."

"She's in the barn." said Lou.

"Okay thanks."

"Who was that?" asked Jack.

"I don't know? Maybe Amy will know him." said Lou.


Amy was in the barn talking to Ty on the phone. She was laying on the bed in the loft talking

about telling Ty something really important.

"Ty. There's something I need to tell you tomorrow. Its crazy. I'm not sure if you will be happy or mad,

so that's why I need to tell you in person." said Amy.

"Okay. Well its late and I need to get some rest. I have to be up at 6 tomorrow so I will talk to you then."

"Okay. I love you Ty."

"I love you too Amy. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay. Bye."

She sat up and threw her legs over the bed. She sat there with her head in her

hands thinking about all the terrible reactions Ty could have about this news

when she heard a knock on the door.

"Amy. Is  everything okay?"


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