Chapter 22

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Chad had no idea what to do, I mean... this is serious. A girl is dead, and he's the main suspect. He needed Amy. He needed to tell her that it wasn't him. He grabbed his phone and noticed he had 10 missed calls, all from the police station. He was screwed. He probably looked more guilty not answering his phone. He needed to stay cool, make it look like he had no idea what happened, because he really didn't. His phone started singing to the new Adele song "Hello" and he saw Amy's picture on the screen.


"Hey Chad, this is Amy. I was wondering if you were busy?"

"Let me guess, you saw that I was the prime suspect for her murder and you decided to call me to see if I really did it? Well I didn't. I don't even know how she died."

"I just wanted to talk to you. See how you were holding up. I know you knew Soraya too and I wanted to see how everything was going with the police?"

"What about the police?"

"I just figured that maybe they would have talked to you. You know since you were the last one seen with her."

"Yes I was the last one seen with her, but I left and came to the hotel."

"Why didn't you just go home?"

"Well I was a little out of it so I got a hotel room instead. I figured I would sober up a little."

"Oh. Alright. Well maybe you should go down to the police station and give your statement. That way your out of the picture."

"Yea. That's a good idea. I think I will go over there today."

"Alright, are you going to need any help?"

"No. I think I will be good. I'll talk to you later ok?'

"Ok. see you later."


Officer Rodriguez was the head officer at the scene. He had people take pictures and other police officers look at how she was killed with the neck tie and see if there are any finger prints on it.

Officer Rodriguez was looking around for any type of evidence to see who could have done this.

"Well what do we have here?"

He picked up a napkin and noticed there was blood on it.

"Take this to the lab to get it tested. I think we are about to find out who did this."


Chad was called into the police station hours after he had talked to Amy to see where he was last night and if he had any idea what happened to her.

"So you had a fight and you followed her outside, correct?" asked the investigator.

"Yes. She hit me so I wanted to see what it was about. She said she didn't want to be involved with a guy who is already involved with her best friend. I told her there was nothing to be concerned about because we weren't together. Then we went our separate ways."

"Do you know which direction she went in?"

"Yes. She went towards the shops, but none of them were open anyways. It was 11 o'clock."

"At what time was it did you check into the hotel?''

Oh crap. He didn't know. Well, lets see. You had a bottle of liquor in your hand when you woke up so maybe 12ish?

"Probably around 12."

"Well this paper says you checked in at 2:30am last night. 20 minutes after she died."

"Oh. It must have been a mistake."

"The paper or your answer?"

Chad stayed quiet for a moment.

A minute later, an officer walked in saying he had the lab results or whatever that means.

He could hear a few voices outside the door but they all said the same thing.

"Lets arrest him." He thought he heard one say. Maybe they caught the guy who did this.

"Well Chad, we found the guy who did this. You have the right to remain silent and anything you say or do can and will be held against you in a court of law."

"Wait what? You have no proof I did this! I want to call my lawyer. I did not do this!"

"Well according to the napkin found in the crime scene with your blood on it, we have reasons to believe you did this."

"You are allowed one phone call. Make it useful." said the investigator.

Chad called his lawyer and he came in as soon as possible. His lawyer was able to get him out on bail because there is not enough evidence that he did it. Chad called Amy and asked if she could come over. She said she needed to spend time with her husband and talk baby plans. Chad was kind of offended by it, but they were married, and he didn't understand why she forgave him so quickly after all the hateful things he said. He decided to go to town and have a drink at the local pub. Maybe it wasn't best after all to drink to much or something might happen, but he still wasn't a hundred percent sure he killed her.

He ran into Mallory and noticed that she had been crying. I mean her best friend did die last night.

She looked like her whole world was torn apart. The sad thing was that she probably thought he did it. I mean the rest of the town thinks he killed her.

She walked by him and intentionally ran her shoulder into his. It hurt like crazy, but he would've done the same thing, I mean, for all he knows, he killed her.


Officer Rodriguez was near Maggies at the time he saw Chad. He figured he would have hid at home, stay away from the public as much as possible, but I guess the mansion wasn't relaxing enough. He saw Chad and Mallory having some kind of argument. He watched for a few minutes, just watching the way he reacts to what Mallory had done. Maybe if he saw a quick temper then there might be a lead to whether or not he killed her. He seemed calm and steady, not like someone who would kill anyone. He didn't want to believe that Chad killed her, or anyone at that matter, I mean, he makes donations all the time, is a well respected man, and is a very successful man. A few people don't like him very much, but that really only has to do with his dad. But Chad? Chad just doesn't make any sense, how could Chad have been capable of this?

He continued to watch Chad and mallory from afar, their conversation was easy to make out, basically Mallory saying how he killed her best friend and him saying he didn't do it.

"Look, Chad." As she said with a snarle. "You ruined my friendship with her, I just can't imagine how Amy feels. Just remember this, watch your back, because they will find out you did it. I even saw you get drunk with her last night, and I know you kissed her and she slapped you, and I will report that to the police so that they know that I think you killed her. Good luck trying to get out of that one."

As she walked away, Chad grabbed her arm.

"I don't care what you say, and when they find the person who did this, your going to be apologizing for the rest of your life. But be careful, because the person who killed her might come after you."

She took her arm back and hurried away. Officer Rodriguez saw the whole thing, he didn't know what Chad said when he grabbed her arm, but it must have been pretty scary if Mallory ran away from him.

Maybe he should go talk to her. See what that was all about. He decided he'd call her later to set up a date when she calmed down. He saw Chad walk away pretty angry. It looked like he went to the pub. Hopefully he doesn't lose his temper.


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