Chapter 17

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"Yes, Who is this?"

"This is Stefano Brady."

"Look, I really don't-"

"You need to here the truth."

"I heard the truth yesterday. I have a lot of things to do, so good bye."

Amy hung up the phone and tried to forget all about it.

"Hey Amy, Ty is going to be here in an hour to map out the floor plans of your new house. He's going to help Dad, well, more like stand there while dad yells at him, so you might want to get dressed." said Lou when she walked passed Amy's room.


Chad didn't move at all the entire day.

What was he supposed to do?

He looked the woman he was madly in love with in the eye, and told her he did it all for revenge.

I did all so you would feel the pain I was in when you hurt me.

I wanted you to beg for me to keep making love to you.

I wanted you to cheat on Ty with me!

Chad was just seeing the flash backs from the conversation.

And then he saw the night she stayed with him.

"Everything's ruined now."

"And who's fault is that?"


Ty was not looking forward to talking to Amy.

He was actually hoping that she wouldn't be there.

But he had to play it cool like he didn't know anything.

When he got there, Tim was pulling wood out of his truck so he

jumped out to help. He didn't see Amy in the barn so she must be in the house.

"Okay, so what I'm going to have you do is work on the 2 bedrooms. Don't mess it up."

Amy saw that Ty's truck had pulled up.

She saw him get out and help her dad.

She knew that he was the right guy

and that he wasn't going to hurt her like Chad did.

She didn't even want to think of Chad right now. All she wanted to think of was that she was going to

have a baby with the man she loved, and they were going to live together while Ty worked as a

vet and Amy worked with horses and their child, whether it was a boy or a girl,

would never have to worry about not having a mom or dad.

She watched as Ty and her dad made it to the loft with the big piece of wood

through the open side window on the barn.


"And whose fault is that?" said Stefano Brady.

"I don't want your pity." said Chad.

"I'm not here for that. I'm here to tell you that you made the biggest mistake of your life.""

I did this-"

"Because of me. I know. But you don't know the reason."

"And what reason is that?"

"The reason is that Amy's old babysitter lived in Ireland and just died. She

was planning on giving Amy that land which sits on millions! Do you know how rich Amy will be

just because her old babysitter put that the land gets inherited to her on her will!"

Stefano yelled it so loud, Chad had to ring his ears out.

"So your saying that you were rooting for me and Amy so that you could get money?

Wow, this just got interesting. Although, Father, why would you need more money

when you have more money than you will need in this life or the next? And your times

coming up pops."

Stefano trickled a laugh, and took the glass of rum he had and toasted it toward Chad and

took a drink without saying another thing.


Amy saw Ty walk out of the barn and head for the house a few hours after he arrived.

She didn't realize it, but she took an intake of breathe.

"What's wrong?" said Georgie.

My next chapter may not be up for a few weeks!! So sorry but if there's anything I can improve on, leave them in the comments below!!!!

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