Chapter 9 - The Meeting

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I get ready, eat breakfast, and grab the picture of Elizabeth. We told her to meet us at Starbucks, so we head over there. I see her while walking up. I'm holding my dads hands, I squeeze them tighter as we get closer. Finally, we walk up to her. She is beautiful, yet looks disturbed.  I think she didn't know I had two dads. She only knew about Papa, what about Bear? Surely they should've told her the child was for two men, right? We sit down at a table and Papa orders our drinks. I ordered a large (ventei I don't know how to spell lolzor sorry) Strawberry acacia (wow Starbucks your products and sizes are hard to spell. geze) Refresher.
"My name is Chloe!" I say smiling while shaking her hand. "My name's Elizabeth.", she says sorta smiling. "Hi. My name is [Dan]", Bear says without the hand motion. "My name is Phil as you know.", Papa says when bringing the drinks while Bear helps him set them down. "So how old are you now Chloe?", she says while looking at my dads in disgust. "I'm over here, thank you. If you have a problem with my dads you can leave right now. I wanted to meet the woman who gave birth to me, not the woman who judges my family for being different from 'normal' families. So if you have something to say about us then go right ahead, say it.", I say looking at her angrily and I keep a flat tone. "Chloe?! Don't be rude to our guest! She did nothing.", Papa says wide eyed. "Oh but she sure did! She was judging you guys for being different. It's 2032 she should know now that it doesn't matter what sex, race, sexuality, age, you are. You should be accepted everywhere.", I say with disgust in her shock. "Little lady! I am your mother, you don't treat your mother like that.", she says which we're all shocked and disturbed by. "You are not her mother, you ARE the woman that gave birth to her, but NOT her mother.", Bear says in obvious anger. "Then who IS her mother? Surely not one of you, two dicks no vagina!?", she says as people start looking. "Yes everyone! My dads are gay! Not a big deal right? Shouldn't my biological birth mother accept her child's parents?", I shout in Starbucks for everyone to hear. Shouts and clapping in agreement, 'yes's and one girl stands up saying she's a homosexual  parent as well, all erupt from the Starbucks customers and workers. I hear about 2 people saying 'no that's horrible' 'it's not natural' 'it's disgusting' 'it's Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve'. "You know what's disgusting? Your attitude!", one woman shouts in reply followed by cheers. I sit back down. "You see? They understand. You and those other 2 people can leave right now, we don't want people like you here.", I say smiling mischievously at her. "Fine, I don't want to be with you filthy scum anyways.", she says as she stands up getting ready to leave. "I win.", I say as I smirk at her pushing the door to leave. Multiple various 'boos' come from the crowd as Elizabeth and the other naysayers leave. The one woman that said she's also a homosexual parent came up to me and my dads and hugged me. She said she had a girl about my age that she said that I might want to meet. We got her number and other people came up to me and patted my head or shook my hand. It turns out one man worked for buzzfeed and wrote an article about me. He took my picture and I talked to him saying how I loved the website and I thanked him for saying he'd do an article on me. We met up with him the next day and I talked about what I felt. Also I asked if I could have the tape from yesterday's security cameras. The man uploaded the article Monday, it seems people liked what I did. I thought I was just doing the right thing, standing up for my dads. We've had one heck of a week. I sleep excited for my birthday.
Well I like this chapter. I honestly would do this. Sorry for how long it was, I just wanted it to be more interesting. If anyone knows me they'll know I am very outspoken about my opinions. I believe everyone should be accepted unless like you came to another country illegally or something. That's not good. You have to do it legally because like shoot, you'll be in some trouble. Okay I'm just rambling now. Tell me what you think about the story so far. Also tell me if you have any ideas for the story because I'll try to make them fit into the storyline I'm planning but change it a bit. @phantrashoops on Instagram said to make the mom be a real b word once Chloe moves in with her because she likes her mom a lot but I wanted to at least make her b word y. Literally sorry I don't swear, I just can't do it I'll replace it with bleep marks or food with the same first letter. Okay bye chloecats! Nope.

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