Living a Lie

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Hey everyone, the date is 6-8-16 and I'm typing this on a laptop. I usually write this story on my iPad so this is really hard for me. If there are any mistakes, please understand I'm really bad at typing on a keyboard. I wish you could see how I'm typing because even on my phone I type the same. Everyone finds it really weird when they watch me type. I've been really busy with softball as usual and school is ending in 2 days so I'm really tired right now. If you don't like this chapter, it's okay, don't worry. My family and other people keep asking if I know what I want to do when I'm older and it's really stressing me out. If anyone could recommend occupations or majors you think would suit me, that would be great! Let's get on with the story now.
So far, not including this chapter there are 23,037 words. It's actually August 26th now lmao I hate myself.
(3:54 pm The Yamashita House)

"So Chloe, how's life been so far here in Japan?", PJ says sitting down on the couch respectfully after taking off his shoes at the entrance.
Everyone, as in my dads and Chris, follow and sit in chairs placed throughout the living room.
"Y'know, it's been good so far. The English classes were rubbish though, I mean the teacher couldn't complete a full sentence!", I say sitting on a pillow on the floor.

"Things tend to be that way here, I wish there were better native English speaking English teachers in Japan.", Mr. Yams (new nickname) said sighing.

"I think I would like to do that after I graduate.", I say quickly.

"Yes, that would be wonderful! You and Miyagi could both teach as a couple!", Mom says
joyfully disregarding everything that's going on in the room.

"Oh yes, that's a wonderful idea, Mom!", I say smiling

"But I thought-"
"You thought that's a fantastic idea", I cut off PJ

"Actually I am-"
Soooo excited for this relationship, that is if Miyagi feels the same and Mr. Yamashita gives his blessing?"

I look to Miyagi and Mr. Yams, eyebrows raised.
Miyagi nods frantically and from Mr. Yams, a sigh and "It's fine as long as your dads are okay with it?"

I wink at my dads a few times quickly so they get it.

"Chloe are you okay? Your eye seems to be twitching", Yuki says standing in the doorframe of the kitchen.

"No no, I think I have a speck of dust in my eye or something. Got it!", I say wiping the lower lid of my eye pretending to search for an obstruction.

"We're totally okay with it as long as our princess is happy," Papa says smiling looking to Bear to agree.

"This calls for a family photo, since Chloe is a part of our family now!", Mom says happily as she brings out a camera you'd expect a mom her age to use, old (early 2000's), silver, and part camcorder.

We all huddle in front of the tv, ordered by rows of height except Miyagi and I in the center.


Oddly, this reminds me of when I first got my period which wasn't too long ago. When I was 12 actually.

It was the night before we left to America to visit Tyler, Cat, Joey, and anyone else who was free. We were out at dinner with a few of my dads' mates at this place where the seats were all white (stupid, right? Do it for the aesthetic.).

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