Interesting First Day

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PIcture of Hannah to your right :)

The rest of my classes were okay. I found out I had two more classes with Robin, who was beyond ecstatic about it. We were heading to our lockers to put our bags away when Hannah brushed past me. I sighed, I completely forgot her locker was right next to mine. Behind her followed the dark haired boy, Kyle. Oh dear God that boy was good looking. I had almost reached my locker before Robin pulled my elbow.

I looked back at her, "What is it?". She looked nervously at Hannah and Kyle who were talking at the lockers. Kyle had put his arm around her while holding her bag. "We should wait until they leave. It's best to avoid problems with Hannah. Especially when it comes to Kyle. She is very protective of him." I scoffed, "I am not going to hide out over here because Hannah doesn't like me. I'm going to put my stuff away I'll meet you in the lunchroom." I dismissed her. She stood there for a few seconds before sighing and walking away. "I'll save you a seat" she mumbled.

I made me way to my locker, put in my combination, and pulled it open, all the while feeling Hannah's cool glare burning a hole into the side of my face. I looked over and met the eyes of Kyle, who stood there draped over her.

I decided to introduce myself seeing as how he was the best looking guy I'd seen here so far. "Hi, I'm Leigh. I don't we believe we've met." I stuck out my hand and put on my flirty smile again. He looked surprised that I'd introduced myself, which pushed me to believe that Hannah was already filling his head up with crap.

"Oh, I'm Kyle, it's nice meeting you." He shook my hand, while Hannah glared at me. His voice was even sexy. She turned to Kyle and told him in the whiniest voice I think I've ever heard, "Kyle let's go, you promised to take me off campus for pizza." She tugged him away, while he looked back and sent me an apologetic smile. I sent him a wink, turned on my heel, and headed to the cafeteria.


I should have never ditched Robin. I had no idea where the cafeteria was. It wasn't like I could ask for directions, all the halls were cleared out and the school suddenly seemed lonely as hell. I was hungry as hell seeing as how I had missed breakfast earlier.

I wandered around for a couple more minutes before I heard voices. I let out a sigh, relieved I had found people to ask for help. I opened the classroom door, and saw Stacey. She looked messed up. Her lips were swollen and her blond hair was going every direction. And then I noticed her companion.

Ew! It was Mr. Brinks and he didn't look any better than her. He pushed his glasses back onto his nose, and tried to stuff his button up shirt back into his brown slacks. They both looked shocked to see me. Mr.Brinks cleared his throat breaking the awkward silence, "Ms. Desmond, how can I help you?" I smirked, all kinds of ways for me to use this to my advantage running through my head. "I need directions to the caf. Wanna help me Stacey?" She stuttered, "Um.. s-sure I'll take you"

She pulled me out of the classroom with her. She rakes her fingers through her hair trying to fix it, but failing terribly. I took my own rubberband out and handed it to her letting my hair fall freely down my back. She took it from me "I'm sorry I was so standoffish this morning. It's just that me and Jeremy had a fight and..." I put up my hand cutting her off, I sure as hell didn't want to hear the deatils of their forbidden relationship," I won't say anything just take me to lunch." She nodded.

We entered the lunchroom and headed to the line. I paid for my food and walked over to a waving Robin, Stacey following close behind me. "What took you so long?" Robin asked as soon as I sat down. "Got lost" I answered before taking a bite of my sandwich. it tasted alright, but then again I was starving.

"You two know each other?" I asked them. Stacey nodded while Robin answered happily "Of course I know Stacey, everybody knows her. She is involved in almost every sport. Well at least she used to be." Robin said thoughtfully. Stacey shrugged paying attention to her salad like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Stacey? You have a car right?" I asked after swallowing the last bite of my turkeys sandwich. She nodded again. "Drop me and Robin home?" Robin snapped her head up, "That's great I hate riding the bus" Stacey smiled at her "no problem".

After lunch we went our separate ways. I face palmed remembering that I had no idea where my next class was. I finally found it after ten minutes. For a small school, this place seemed endless. I walked in the room quickly. Everyone stared at me like I had just committed murder.

"Hello miss are you Leigh by any chance? The lady asked. I'm assuming she was the teacher, "Yeah, sorry about that, I got lost" she smiled and gestured for me to have a seat. There were three available seats. One up front, one way straight to the back, and one smack dab in the middle right next to Kyle. Usually I would take the seat in the back, but I couldn't resist.

I made my way to Kyle and took a seat. He smiled at me , pushed his hands through his hair, and then turned back to the board, ignoring me for the rest of class.

As soon as school was done, I made my way to the parking lot and found a once again waving Robin. I smiled, her giddiness was contagious. She was standing next to a red Mazda 6. Wow I was impressed with Stacey.

As soon as I got there the Mazda pulled away revealing a white rusted pick up truck. I frowned at Stacey but she didn't seem to notice. "Hurry up, I've got work" she said impatiently. I climbed into the pick up truck, careful not to touch any of the muddy spots along the door, and sat next to a grinning Robin while a bored Stacey started the car. This particular first day of school was my most interesting one by far.

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