Chapter 8

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diz shiz is unedited. It will never be. 

"Aries, what are you doing?" Lucy appeared in her nightgown, holding a cane for support. She held to her key and had the urge to break it.

"L-Lucy-sama?!? I-I can explain!" Aries let go of Wendy, making her fall. Sagittarius did the same, he let go of Charles.

"It's okay. You can explain to the Spirit King after I break your key." Aries started to panic and sweat, tears started to fall.

Lucy scoffed, "On second thought, I'll let you step into this world. Tell the others to stand down."

"Stand down." Aries told everyone telepathy.

All the celestial spirits disappeared and went back to the celestial world.


Natsu walked towards Lucy, he realised that something was wrong with her. It felt like he lost her. She wasn't the same as before. He took a few more steps until they were just metres away. Before he could even speak, he was interrupted.

"Hello, Natsu." The blood curling smile returned that made Natsu step back.

Mr. Dragon Slayer, what have you done to me?!?



You killed us all, Salamander.

"Did you like it? That was called Bloodlust." Reality came back and Natsu stared into space, making him frightened.

There was silence in the middle until the rest followed up and hugged her. Natsu stood still, looking at her while getting the heartfelt hugs.

"Lucy! We were so dead worried. What's with the celestial spirits though?" Erza asked and Lucy giggled in return. The other member laughed yet Natsu was different, he was frightened. It wasn't the Lucy that they know.

"Everyone! Get away from her! She's not the real Lucy!" He shouted and prepared for an attack. Everyone was confused and scared. Lucy stood there, not able to explain herself.

"What do you mean?!? It's her, you dumb butt! We just fought her spirits!" Gray shouted, everybody agreeing with Gray. Natsu shook her head and launched an attack. With fire on his hands, he quickly sped around his comrades and punched Lucy.

Hate me, Natsu

The unthinkable happened. Instead of getting hit, Horologium was able to spawn and able to cage Lucy.

"YOU IDIOT! WHY DID YOU ATTACK HER?!" Erza shouted, punching him in the back.

"N-Natsu?!?" Lucy stuttered while inside Horologium, wanting to stay inside. She felt guilty for doing this, hurting her soon-to-be former comrades. She will make them hate her.

"I'M TELLING YOU! SHE SMELLS FUNNY!!" Natsu tried to break from Gray and Erza's grip, but they were too strong.

"Alright, Flame Boy. I know you have a keen sense of smell, but so do I. She smells the same." Gajeel transformed his hand into metal and knocked this to Natsu's head.

"OUCH! Fine! We'll bring her back. If she does something suspicious, I'm not hesitating to attack her." Natsu whimpered in pain while everyone looked at him seriously.

Lucy sighed in frustration. Not only Natsu hates her, she has a long explanation to them.


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