Part 3

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Roys point of view~
I wake up in the hotel room the morning after arriving I see Christina pulling on a pair of pants and a T-shirt. "You could've gotten a separate room if you're bothered by this at all." She laughs at my eye rolling. "I'm an old homo sexual, I grew up with four older sisters. Why would I be bothered." I say sitting up rubbing my eyes. "Just making sure cause I have a tendency to not give a single fuck." She states getting out a pack of cigarettes and lighting one up while sitting by the window. I roll my eyes "just like your father." I laugh. She huffs and tosses her hair to the side running her fingers through it. She always does that when she's thinking deeply. "Penny for your thoughts?" I ask, "isn't it sad when you and Courtney can tell when I'm upset better than my own father."
She huffs taking another drag. "He's really changed since you were born. After a while we gave up." Christina looked back at me with a glint in her eyes putting her cigarette out near by the ash tray. "He really didn't want me... did he. I ruined his career?" She asks sitting back in her bed. "He was ecstatic. But then he eventually realized he had to grow up hun. Now I can't even tell what's going though his head. Some people just aren't meant to be a parent . Doesn't mean he loves you any less though." She tunes me out after my last sentence. I can tell she's becoming even more depressed by the minute. I wish Courtney were here... she's good with opening up to her. I send a quick text and I find out she's in town and on her way. That tired queen never slows down does she.
Christina's point of view~
I hear a knock at the door and Courtney walks in. I smile sullenly then I look back at the t.v. Roy leaves to go get us some lunch and Courtney sits down next to me on my bed side. "Hey kid." She whispers I look at her then I remember she's the only person I've ever opened up to. All of my thoughts unleash and I sit up and I hug her. She pets my hair and we both lay down. I vent about what I've been thinking and how hard things have been and how much I need a smoke. "We're your family too love, never forget that." I nod and Roy walks in sitting a box of pizza down on the table. I stand up and I hug Roy thanking him in a way that only he knows. He brushes my hair with his fingers and hugs me back tighter.
This is the first time I've ever voluntarily hugged him... I'm terrible with emotions but I feel better when we let go.
Roy and I walk down to the local club. I sneak around the corner and I neck six shots of straight vodka before getting ready. I walk out on stage and I sing "I adore you" by my dad and "Party" live. I'm terrible at lip syncing. I walk out and I see a young drag king sitting down at her dressing table. I sit down next to her and I gather my make up remover. "Hi." I hear from beside me as I remove half of what's left of my drag persona. "Hi" I say in a sweet tone as I stand up and I begin to remove my corset. "I heard you sing... I really liked it." I blush at her sweet remark and I pull on my high wasted shorts and cut off Courtney act shirt. I walk over to the bar and I sit down. I order a whiskey and I finish it off asking for a refill. I look up to see the previous drag king I talked to before, performing. It was a song by Adam Lambert but I couldn't recall the name. After his performance he walked over after an hour, de dragged and I was finishing up my fifth glass of whiskey. I felt Hazy but I kept it cool because the numbness actually felt good.
"Hello again." She says walking over to me smiling. My drunken sarcasm kicks in and I roll my eyes taking another swig from my drink. "So we're playing that, huh?" I shake my head sitting my drink down. "My names Danni by the way." I shake my head and I start to nod out of the conversation. I notice the after party starting and I bolt into the bathroom throwing up. "Hey you ok?" Danni asks around the corner of the open stall I was in after washing her hands. I shake my head and I throw up violently again. Danni walks over and pulls my hair back for me and rubs my back. "Thanks" I stutter sitting up against the wall wiping my mouth with a hand full of toilet paper. "I'm staying at a hotel down the street, you look like you shouldn't be left alone." I walk out washing my hands and I nearly trip on my own feet Danni catches me and walks out with her arm draped around my waste. I see Courtney and Roy having a good time. I don' want to spoil it. I walk with Danni out side to the sidewalk and I run over to the grass throwing up again. I sit on the ground light headed and everything becomes blurry. "You ok?" She asks I nod out and I feel her pick me up bridal style walking over to same hotel Roy and I are staying.
When we get to her room I feel her removing my shirt and I go into panic mode remembering I have no idea who this person really is. "Hey hey look I'm just giving you a clean shirt. See?" She hands me a clean white T-shirt and I pull it on "Sorry" I groan laying back on her bed exhaling deeply.

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